Remaining Surviviors : 14 Free Time #1

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The Idea with the Free Time Events came from NerdyGeeker
Now that Hiro and Toko are gone, there are 14 people left in the school. Not wanting to be alone, you decide to hang out with some others. The first being Taka.
After eating breakfast, you found him in the halls... Patrolling.

"Taka? Why are you patrolling when there isn't anyone out here?" You ask.
"For safety measures! Someone may run by and get hurt!" He replies.
You have no idea how to continue the conversation.
"Um Taka... Maybe we should talk about something else! Like, what do you do after school? Like, normal school?"
"Study of course! I'm a student aren't I? A student must be a studying professional!"
"I study too, but not that much."
"Y/N! What are you saying? What are you doing other than studying then?"
"Play games, watch TV, read fanfics about you, and other normal things..."

"Hmm what do playing games and watching TV have to do with studying?"
"Well, it does give you something to talk about with your friends."

Taka looks as if there's a tsunami coming at him from 5 feet away.

"So... You would rather talk about games and TV instead of politics, the economy, or international affairs?!"
"Er... Yeah."

"I once was blind, but now I see! No wonder all of the conversations I engage in end so quickly! I must study more video games! And TV shows!"
"That's not really what I meant..." You interject. However, Taka pays no mind to your statement at all.
"Thank you Y/N! I'm very lucky to have such a smart girlfriend such as you!" Taka laughs.

Taka and I grew a little closer today...
Taka's report card has been updated based on your experience with him.

(Y'know I love how Taka calls Makoto Professor Makoto lol
Anyway just for this ((yes just for this)) I went and watched a few free time events. As you just read, I'm ad-libbing quite a bit. Actually I haven't seen Taka's first free time event in like an year now, so I'm not sure how accurate it is. Anyway, here's Mondo's free time event #1, my version)

You walk into a classroom to look around only to find Mondo already in there. Although you are a little intimidated by him, you decide to hang out with the guy that cusses in almost every sentence that comes out of his mouth.

"Hi Mondo..." You say.
Mondo just grunts and shouts:
"Huh? What, you want something?"
"Well, I was just saying hi... Do you want to hang out for a little?"
"You wanna chill with me, huh? Gotcha."

"Say Mondo, do you love to ride bikes?" You ask (wow stupid obvious question ugh...)
"Hell yeah I do! I'm a goddamn biker ain't I?! We're crazy as hell! Mondo shouts.
"I haven't ridden I bike before, though I know a little about them." You say (PRETEND THAT YOU KNOW).
"Hmm? So you know what a straight pipe is... Right?" He asks.
"It's... A pipe with no muffler on it right?" You say.
"So you *do* know! Great!"

You and Mondo proceed to talk about Mondo and his gang (Crazy Diamond).
(Also, Here's a fact just in case you didn't notice. Mondo's brother's name is Daiya, and when you put Mondo's name together with it you get "DaiyaMondo" or "diamond". DaiyaMondo is how you would say "diamond" in Japanese.)

After all that, Mondo decides that when you guys get out he's going to take you for a ride on his motorcycle, despite the fact that his life is always being aimed for.
Too bad that's not going to happen...

Author's Note: Thank you for reading this book so far! This might feel a bit rushed because...
1. For half of the summer I was sick with a minor case of encephalitis and my doctor gave me the order to literally do nothing but lay in bed and watch TV. No reading, no violin, and no running around (running around gives me ideas for my stories). Then, get this, I had a problem with my livers so I took medicine for them and I had an allergic reaction to it!
UGH worst birthday ever (It started on my birthday!) Sorry I shouldn't rant...

2. I'm an 8th grader this year so I've had to really study ... Especially because (SIGH once again) I couldn't study for half of the summer!

3. I've taken some time to view some videos on Ultra Despair Girls... So now I know the main story on that.

So anyway I've had to work on this during my office assistant period. I've gotten used to that basically free period so I will try to be quicker with updates. Just so you can mentally prepare, someone dies in the next chapter. I may not be able to update THAT often but I'll try.

I only had time to do Taka's and Mondo's free time events but if you want me to post someone else's free time event (ad-libbed) on here let me know okay?! But I *will* add some more soon, just not now when its midnight.

Thanks for reading~
(Oh and I'm 14 years old now-)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2017 ⏰

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