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Geneva, Switzerland, January 26, 2021

"Are you sure you want to go into work today?" Cedric asked as I threw on a pair of dark slacks and a blazer. "That gash on your face still hasn't healed and –"

He was leaning against the doorframe to our bedroom, frowning at me. There was concern etched across his face as he watched me get ready.

"I'm fine," I told him. "It was barely a scratch. The car took most of the force anyways. No concussion or anything. I'm all clear. Besides, Helena called me directly and said that she needed to talk to me about something. I'm probably getting fired."

"Why this time?"

It was a game we played. Or, more accurately, I played while Cedric humoured me. "I don't know...Probably because I got hurt."

Cedric raised a brow. "I got hurt and didn't get fired."

"Ah but she likes you. I'm just the bug beneath her shoe."

"Give her time. She'll come around."

"Only when I'm rolling in a grave."

Now he rolled his eyes and that wave of concern was gone, replaced entirely by mirth. I was being childish, I knew, but it had helped ease his worry which had been my intention. "What a little pessimist you are this morning."

I offered him a one-armed shrug and a wry grin as I slung my bag over my shoulder. "I figured I'd try something new."

Cedric laughed as I approached him. I leaned up on my toes to kiss him softly. He squeezed my hip and said, "If you're insisting on going, at least wait for me to get my shoes on before you leave so that we can walk together."

We lived only a few blocks away from the GCCO office. It was convenient to be so close but it also meant that work was often on my mind. On the way, we paused briefly at a coffee ship before strolling into headquarters at eight-oh-three. After going through the extensive security process to enter the building, we took the elevator up to our floors. I thought of the mound of paperwork waiting for me and felt a dull tiredness creep into my bones. Hopefully the meeting Helena had scheduled was worth leaving my bed.

Cedric and I separated from each other in the elevator. I got out at the eleventh floor while he continued up to the fourteenth. It was where the analysts did most of their work, though Cedric and a few of the other analysts was also frequent visitors on the counterterrorism floor where I worked.

I had only just removed my coat and arrived at my desk when Helena came barrelling towards me from her office. She had her dark hair in a severe bun but her eyes were crinkled with worry. It wasn't an emotion I saw from her very often. This, I knew immediately, had nothing to do with my Op. or my life as Jessie Collins.

This was a Melanie Briar problem.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" Stefan asked as he looked up from his computer.

"Nothing." But because he was staring at me and Helena was motioning me over, I added, "I have a meeting with the Wicked Witch of the West this morning. Wish me luck."

He grinned, all traces of concern gone. "You'll be fine, Collins. You're not wearing ruby slippers. Just don't throw any water on her and you'll be alright."

I made my way through the rows of desks, following Helena into her office. I closed the door as I entered and made for the unoccupied chair across from her. "What's going on?"

Game of Dust and Ashes (Book Two in the Covert Operations series)Where stories live. Discover now