《Chapter 15》

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Yoongi's Pov
After work has ended, Hyejin quickly went out of the building before I could ask her about going to Tikehau Pearl Beach Resort. Throughout the whole day, I did not ask her about it because she was either busy typing something on her computer or zoning out. Basically, all she did was organising my schedule for the next few weeks. Sighing, I went back in my office to switch off my computer and fetch my car keys before heading back home. As I was walking at the office hallway, Hyejin's office caught my attention. Looking sideways to see no one was present around me, I entered Hyejin's office. Going behind her desk and seeing nothing except her stationery office, made me feel a slight disappointment. I was hoping to see a picture of her family or perhaps her group of friends. However, there was none. The next thing that flashed across my mind was opening the drawers to see any of her private things.

"Boo!" The door to Hyejin's office swung open to reveal the annoying Hoseok.
"Did I scare you?" He smirked.
"No." I said with no emotion.
"Anyway, why are you in Hyejin's office? Thought you had left a while ago." Hoseok asked.
"Just checking something." I replied.
"That's a poor explanation. Elaborate it." He demanded.
"I'm doing this because I wanted to know if she is close with someone else." I said making Hoseok raising his eyebrows.
"Lately, she was behaving weirdly. She kept daydreaming and was unusually more quiet. It was as if something bad had happened to her and I thought that may be, someone who she knows, could go to Tikehau Pearl Beach Resort with her instead of me." I added.
"Wait, so have you even ask her?" He questioned.
"Not yet." I answered.
"Tomorrow is the day that you must go!" He exclaimed.
"Why don't you go with her? I'm sure she's fine with it." Hoseok suggested.
"She would probably say no." I told him.
"Then, use other method." He said simply.

Hoseok was right. If asking Hyejin directly about going to Tikehau Pearl Beach Resort and knowing her answer would be a 'no', I must find another solution. Persuading my parents to tell Hyejin to go with me will be a terrible idea as they might assume that I wanted to propose Hyejin in a special way.

"Were you tempted to open the drawer?" Hoseok asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah." I replied.
"Let's open it." He said encouragingly.
"Yah! This is Hyejin's drawer and not yours." I scolded him.
"This is Hyejin's office and aren't we not suppose to enter without her presence?" He told me.
"I'm her boss and I can do anything I want. You're not." I stated.
"Whatever." He said and went to open it.

The first thing that caught our eyes was a picture of her with another girl. Both of them seemed to have a close relationship and it could be her sister or her close friend. Picking up the picture, I took a closer look at it. Somehow, I was familiar with the girl beside Hyejin. Her features reminded me of someone I used to know in high school but even after trying to recall, my memory seemed to be poorer than I thought.

"Hoseok, do you recognise this girl?" Showing the picture for him to have a better view of it, he shook his head.

On the following day, I had packed all the things I needed to bring for the Tikehau Pearl Beach Resort and texted Hyejin to bring her passport and her other important belongings, and meet me at the airport. At first, she was disobeying my orders and thought of staying at home until I mentioned about my parents and the fake relationship that we must act out. She automatically agreed to do whatever I told her to do and came to the airport.

"Give me a reason why we're here." Hyejin demanded with her arms folded to her chest.
"What do you think? Your passport, my passport and the plane." I said, giving her hints.
"You're bringing me to somewhere?!" She exclaimed.
"Let's go." I held her hand and dragged her with me.
"What?! No way!" She said as she struggled to yank her hand off from mine.
"Too late Hyejin. You're going with me and that's it." I told her.
"Excuse me Mr Yoongi, I thought we came here to fetch your parents because you wanted to show our 'close' relationship." She said.
"Well, I lied and you're too gullible." I said in a monotone.

When we were done with the check-in and got our boarding pass, we boarded the plane. Hyejin who was sitting grumpily beside me, kept on mumbling things that I could not be bothered to know. Throughout the journey, I entertained myself by watching movies, listening music and taking a few naps. Normal things that I usually do when I am on plane. On the other hand, Hyejin was reading magazine, listening to music and playing with her hair.

"Hyejin, can I ask you a personal question." I asked and she nodded in acknowledgement.
"Do you miss your family?" I questioned and she remained silent.
"I don't really see you contacting or talking about them." I continued.
"I don't give a shit about them." She said coldly which took me by surprise.
"Give me a reason." I said.

Hyejin stared at me with hurtful eyes for a while before looking away.

"I'm sleepy." She informed and tried to be in a comfortable position by wiggling here and there.

For a few minutes, Hyejin was continuously moving her body which irritated me as her chair kept moving my chair. Furthermore, she was ruining my sleeping time.

"Are you done?!" I whispered to her in an annoyed tone.
"What?!" She whispered back.
"Stop moving!" I said.
"I'm not a robot." She said.
"I don't give a shit about that. Just stop moving." I told her.
"Copying my line huh?" She said with a smirk.
"This is just the way I talk to people who annoy me so much." I stated.
"If you're aware that I'm hella annoying, why would you bring me with you then?" She asked which made me grit my teeth.
"Hyejin, just go to sleep. It's night time anyway." I commanded.
"No. I'm going to stay awake." She said stubbornly.
"So you're staying awake?" I asked and she nodded.
"Alright then." Taking a sleeping mask beside me, I quickly put it on her covering her eyes.
"Yoongi!" She tried to take the sleeping mask out but I held it in place, making it challenging for her to remove it.
"Yoongi, stop it. I can't see anything and I look foolish!" She giggled which made me smile. When she gave up trying to take the mask off, I removed it from her which earned myself her playful punches.

"You're so lucky to have that neck pillow. I don't have one at all." She pouted.
"Then lean your head on my shoulder." I suggested.
"W-what?" She stuttered with wide eyes.

Touching the side of her head, I gently pushed it towards my shoulder.

"Sleep." I told her.
"O-okay." She said in a low tone.
"Why are you suddenly so timid?" I teased.
"It's just that, I've never leaned my head on any guy's shoulder and frankly speaking, your shoulder is quite comfortable." She told me and I could see the colour of a red tomato on her cheeks.

I chuckled upon seeing it.

"Well, you're welcome to always sleep on my shoulder." With that, I closed my eyes.

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