《Chapter 16》

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Hyejin's Pov
After long hours of travelling, Yoongi and I finally reached at Tikehau Pearl Beach Resort. The weather was indeed humid as the surface of the ocean gives out a glistening effect, making it sparkle like a white diamond. There was also a gentle breeze which I enjoyed so much, especially on a hot day like this. Upon seeing several tikehau hotel, I wondered what suite Yoongi had picked out for us. A thrill of exhilaration overwhelmed me as I picture the adventures that I will experience during this short vacation. I was about to head off excitedly to the tikehau when someone yelled my name from behind.

"Hyejin!" Turning around, Yoongi was pulling his large luggage and carrying his backpack in a tiresome manner.
"Let me guess. You called me because you want me to-" Before I could finish my sentence, Yoongi place both of his luggage and backpack on the floor in front of me.
"Just help me secretary." He said, making me look at him in disbelief.

Great. Just great. Even on this free vacation that Yoongi forced me to go to, I still have to obey his orders without rest. This is definitely not a relaxing vacation at all but a torturing one. Glancing down at the luggage and his backpack, I sighed and picked it up and followed after Yoongi. When we reached at the reception, the receptionist greeted us politely with a bright smile.

"Hi, I would like to-" Yoongi was about to ask a question when a stranger put his arm around Yoongi's shoulders which shocked both of us.

Though the man did not touch me at all.

"Um, who are you?" Yoongi asked with a slight annoyed tone.
"I'm the manager of this resort Mr Yoongi." He said with a calm voice.
"How did you know my name?" Yoongi asked again.
"Well, a close friend of yours told me everything about you." He answered.
"Including your lovely girlfriend." He added, fixing his gaze on me.
"Um, actually-" I was about to protest when Yoongi gave me a glare to signal me to change my words.
"Oh what is it?" The manager asked curiously.
"Um..Yoongi..He.." At this moment, I was wrecking my brain to find the right words to say and my eyes kept wandering around in panic.

Suddenly, my eyes landed on a sweet couple where the guy was showing his beautiful lady a simple yet expensive-looking ring. The lady nodded her head in approval and the guy slid the ring onto her finger before kissing her on the lips.

"Yoongi wanted to make me his fiancé." I lied and slid my hand around Yoongi's arm.

Glancing upwards at Yoongi, his eyes were wide open in shock at the mention of 'fiancé'. Both of us were staring right into each other's eyes in a different way. Yoongi's stare probably meant that "I'm going to kill you" while mine is pretty straightforward, "Don't kill me. I'm innocent". On the other hand, the manager seemed to be in a great joy upon hearing this fake news of Yoongi and I getting engaged.

As we were walking to our hotel room, Yoongi and the manager who his name is Erik, talked about how well their business was going, how Hoseok and Erik got to know each other and so on and so forth. Then, Erik went off to somewhere after leaving me with Yoongi in the room.

"How wonderful to use the word 'fiancé' Hyejin." Yoongi said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes at him and placed his heavy belongings at one corner.

"It's better than using the word 'single' Yoongi." I said.
"You could have said other things besides fiancé." He argued.
"Well, you could have opend your mouth and say something instead of waiting for me to speak." I argued back.
"You're my secretary and I thought you would say something that will make less difficult but no. You are complicated." He spat.
"I'm complicated?! In what way am I complicated?!" I asked angrily, feeling somehow offended.

Especially when I have helped him with a lot of things like accepting his idea of showing our fake relationship towards his parents and coming to Tikehau Pearl Beach Resort for him.
"You complicate my feelings Hyejin!" He replied which made me fall silent.

Yoongi, who was surprised by his own words, looked away from me. Usually, when this kind of situation happens, it is either one of the two people leave the room to ease their mind and the other was left alone in the room. Except that none of us are doing so. Instead, Yoongi took his laptop from the backpack that I carried, and laid on the bed. He switched it on, typed onto some keyboards to access his laptop and began doing his work like in his office. He was so occupied with his work till he ignored me standing here and looking at him in confusion. Getting the signal that he wanted to be alone, I decided to go out of the room.

Knowing that there was nothing fun for me to do in Tikehau, especially when all activities I planned to do with Yoongi and him completely ignoring me after our quarrel, I decided to just walk along the beach with slow steps. As I was strolling, my mind suddenly pondered about Yoongi. His actions, his behaviour and his words. It seemed so strange and confusing. Some days he was nice and friendly to me and some days he was cold and irritated by me. Out of the blue, I recalled about the conversation that Yoongi had with Hanbin in Hanbin's office. He warned Hanbin not to be close to me or else he would do something cruel to him. That made my heart skipped a bit. In my whole life, there were no men like Yoongi who would say threatening words to someone in order to protect me.

Yoongi's Pov
After finishing a little bit of my work, I switched off the laptop before getting my wallet and searching for Hyejin. Then, as I was finding Hyejin, I bumped into Erik.

"Erik!" I called him and he noticed me.
"Yes? How may I help you?" He asked.
"Have you seen Hyejin?" I asked.
"Oh, she walked at the beach this way." He pointed towards the direction that Hyejin walked at.
"Thanks." With that, I ran as fast as I could before Hyejin walked further more.

As I was running, I finally saw a figure that I recognise. That must be Hyejin.

"Hyejin!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

♡Hope U enjoy reading this chp and I would try to update the next chp asap! Bye! ^-^♡

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