Chapter 3 : The Ivy

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2 weeks earlier

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2 weeks earlier

Mei walks gently at his son's room. "Wake up, Ty," and when he saw his child opened up his eyes, Mei puts his hands on the child's lips to cover it.

"We will leave now and we don't want Samuel to hear us, so we have to be quiet. Remember? Just like as we planned," Mei whispered to his son, Tyler.

Tyler stood up and didn't say a thing. The boy goes to the bathroom to pee and didn't flush because their unit is adjacent to Samuel's. Tyler wore his shoes and Mei gaves him his jacket. It was still dawn and it's very cold.

Mei and Tyler needs to leave as soon as possible. Edison is in Los Angeles because of his business but before he leaves, he told their neighbor, Samuel, to look after him and Tyler.

These past few days, Mei's been filling his bags with clothes and food for this moment. He was only allowed to bring Tyler to the park every Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays and to have his groceries every Fridays. Three months have passed, Mei meets a woman on the park and she is the only one who have the guts to ask him, 'why so many bruise?', 'why so jumpy?'. She even helped him find a second hand car for 20, 000 Dollars. This is the only money Mei could get from 'stealing' on Edison's wallet, from collecting all the small changes from his groceries, and even by selling some of their belongings that they didn't use. Mei brings the bag full of clothes and food to the woman he met at the park. Mei was silently praying that the woman, Wei Wei, won't forget their agreement. The last time he talked to her was on Thursday, and it's Sunday now. Today is also Edison's return from L.A., every two to three months, Edison goes to L.A. to check his restaurant.

"I'm ready, 'ddy..." Tyler whispered.

Mei hugged his son. Tyler is now five. He is smart but not that old to know what's happening on their life. Mei did everything to null Edison's influence over Tyler. Mei and Edison had this silent agreement that Edison will not hurt Tyler as long as Mei follows his orders.

"Let's go, Ty," Mei replied to his son, on the verge of crying once again.


Mei always think that he was best at leaving. He have done it before he met Edison. When Mei left Shanghai, he went to Beijing where he can blend in, without someone saying he is different. After a year, he travelled to another city and finds a lover who is a leader of black market shark loans. When his lover was arrested, Mei took all of his money and travelled again to the nearest city, in Tianjin where he also stayed for a year. He changed his name and became Shaun Huo, using one of his friends name and surname. Before he spent all of his lovers money, his friend invited him to work at Taiwan, to a restaurant owned by Edison.

Mei was attracted to Edison since the beginning, to the man who owns the restaurant. Edison is handsome but also powerful and Mei likes the mix of it. He was thrilled, and when he knows that things are getting out of hand, he will leave. Some of his friends also say that, he was so good at touching fire and not getting burned. Everything becomes different after the sixth month Mei and Edison dated. Edison started hitting him. Tied him into the bed while telling Mei how much he loves the guy. Mei planned to leave Edison, until he discovered something strange. He was pregnant. Mei knew it was impossible because he have no ovaries but when he got himself checked at the hospital, the doctor said that his case was different. Mei's case became a sensation to the doctors in Taiwan. They called him a medical breakthrough, for a man to be pregnant and somehow give birth. The media was all over his case but the hospital makes his identity concealed. When Edison knew all of this, he stopped hitting him.

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