Happy ever or NEVER after?

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CHAPTER 1: The beginning of her love journey

I woke up, still half asleep. "Why must Summer end?" I questioned myself. A typical school day. " School..." I sighed. What kept me going was him, that charming smile and his slick black hair. He was like my prince in that fairytale that I had longed for to exist in reality. "Summer you better get right down here or you'll be late for school again! Are you itching for another detention session?" my mother being her usual uptight self. It was only 06 30 in the morning and school only started at 8. Like any teenager I was wondering... why are we going to school when we don't even use the knowledge we learn. I was pretty smart as a tenth grader. Topping the class for almost every subject. The only thing that I'm concerned was the LOVE factor. Yes, I have trouble when it comes to boys. I stutter and I'm shy when it comes to cute guys. So the conclusion is I haven't dated a single guy or been to prom with any guy, I'm like a geek right at the bottom of the social hieriarchy.

In School...

From a distance I could see the crowded entrance of the school gate. The footballers and the cheerleaders hanging out at their usual spot ready to pounce on their victims, the new schoolers. Of course you wouldn't forget the geeks the people that rank right at the bottom of the social hiearchy thats what you can expect at the beginning of a school day one I never look forward to.

" Hey Summer! How was your Summer," it was him my prince charming his smile oh so overwhelming... " Summer?" his face neared mine.


" Are you alright," he asked.

"Erm yeah... My summer was fine, I guess?!"

" I heard we will be working together for the Final Year Biology Project," he smiled at me. I swear I could have kissed him if he hadn't asked me if I was alright. Obviously I wasn't. I mean, he's like the guy any girl would wanna date. Everyday after school you see girls asking for his number* NOT SURPRISED.

Bell rings.... RINGGGGGGG......

"Alright class, I'm sure you've enjoyed your summer and you want more of it but sorry to disappoint you. I will fill you in on the details of the Final Year Biology Project later. Right now, we will begin with a simple dissection. Yes, you heard me right a dissection." my very sarcarstically humourous biology teacher Mr Well said.

I didn't mind doing the theoretical side of Biology but the practical side is the one I dread. My phobia of blood is my archiles' heels. The sight of it makes me nausea and sick. I saw the poor frog his heart throbbing. At that moment my face turned pale. That feeling.... I could feel it coming.

"Summer are you alright? You don't look too good." he questioned with much concern.

I forced a smile and nodded. I wasn't alright but I wanted so much to do the experiment. I wasn't going to give up this opportunity.

"Can you pass me the scapel?" he asked politely.

I handed him the scapel and upon landing the scapel on the green slimy frog,......

"Summer! Summer! Can you hear me," I woke up unconcious, the familiar smell of anticeptic. It had to be the school infirmary.

" What happened?" my eyes still trying to get use to the rather bright light.

" You fainted," the worried look on his face made me wonder if it was worth fainting. At least I know he's concerned about my well being. "So... are you afraid of blood? Why didn't you say so earlier?"

"I.... I'm just afraid you might want to switch lab partners." stuttering as usual with a cast down look.

"Silly girl.. It ain't your fault that you were born with this. I'm born with one too.. Heights..." he said softy. He's smile gave me a calm feeling and momentarily I felt much better.

I giggled a little still taken aback by the incident and the fact that the cute guy I had a crush on was afraid of heights. Nevertheless, he was perfectly imperfect to me. His imperfections were what made him perfect.

Chapter 2: Promises made


Everybody ran out of their classes like monsters that haven't eaten for ages. The loud thuds of the footsteps resounded around every corner of the school. I strolled into the school cafeteria, trying to find a place. The constant repetition of the phrase, " the seats been taken." Thats what you get for not being popular.

"Summer take a seat here" Jake called out to me. Sitting beside him was my best friend Stephanie. It was Swedish meatballs for lunch today. We have it once in a blue moon. It was my favourite dish and his favourite dish too.

" Hey you free tonight I got a party! Would you like to come? " he asked me. Momentarily I couldn't answer him. My throat tight.

" That's a yes Jake." Stephanie answered on my behalf.

" Alright! You can come along too Steph! Bring Tyler along! "

" Excited aren't you," Stephanie teased.

" No....." I blushed.

Sitting at the corner of the classroom it was the last lesson of the day, math. Jake set beside me, asking me questions every now and then. Every question he asked, I felt as though I was like a skyscraper slowly rising from the ground. Then I got a note. It says " I'll pick you at 8 :) - Jake " I funny feeling ran through my body, every vein, every blood vessel. Surprisingly it felt really good.

Choosing the right dress was important and I was not much of a fashionista. I brooded over the problem. Then, I remember receiving a silvery blue dress on my birthday last year. It wasn't very classy, sophisticated or trendy but it was the best I've got. I wore it and stared at myself in the mirror. I did up my hair and smiled. I've never felt so good about myself. Then my cellphone rang.

"Look out of the window!" I stared of the window and wearing a white shirt and black tie he stood there with a classy black car. I smiled and ran down the stairs. I stood at my doorstep feeling on cloud nine.

" You look beautiful tonight," he said, his eyes locked to mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2012 ⏰

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