S e v e n t e e n"Home"

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Bell sighed in frustration due to being locked in a cell. Footsteps thudded and it was Kane, and Chris.

"How long are you gonna keep me locked up in here?" Bellamy spoke, Chris paced back and forth. "Until I'm confident you're no longer a threat to others. Let's continue. Now you said there were hundreds of Grounders attacking. 200, 300?" Kane asked Bell, He just sighed,

"I didn't count." Bell replied bluntly, Chris moved forwards, " Why do you think they attacked? What provoked them?" Chris asked with a raised brow, Bellamy interrupted Chris.

"We were here. That was enough. We're wasting time. The others didn't just vanish into thin air. They were taken, and we need to go after them" Bellamy demanded towards the two council men. Kane nodded,

"The search team is prepping to leave but not before we've gotten the intel we need from you. I have a very important question now... What do you know about Dominique? my daughter? any chance that she's alive? how was she?" Chris said questioning Bellamy, Bell gulped.

"I don't know, last time I saw her... she was helping with fighting the grounders. Look, I need to be on that team, please" Bell pleaded, Kane disagreed, "That's out of the question. You're not trained. It's too dangerous" Kane replied snapping at Bellamy.

"Those are my people out there- They're my people, too. You want to help them? Tell me what we're up against... Grounder tactics, their numbers, what kind of weapons they used" Kane replied, Bell sighed, "Arrows and spears, axes, swords, their teeth" Bellamy responded,

"No guns? You had guns- The guns we found at the aid depot leveled the playing field, and maybe, maybe if we'd had more bullets, we could have... " Bell stuttered as he interrupted Kane. "There were more bullets. Search team just returned from the bunker. They found two more barrels full of rifles and a third filled with bullets. We should have looked harder" Kane replied before walking off with Chris.


She sat up. Her eyes just adjusting to the white walls, Dom had looked down at her body... She was dressed in white, her cuts and bruises were healed, an IV was connected to her arm that was injecting her with something. Dom pulled it out of her and stood up, she lost her balance and made her over to the door that was faced in front of her bed.

"Help?!" she yelled out, Dom turned around and stared at her white room, it had all the essentials... She gripped hard onto the door handle and pushed, she was trying to escape... she succeeded.

"Help me please" Dom yelled out just lost, she started running down hallways when she heard an alarm go off, "CONTAINMENT BREECH" the voice spoke into the intercom. She stopped running when she saw people dressed in blue containment jumpsuits and air mask's on. She tried running but before you know it... a tranquilizer straight to her back.


Bellamy was locked up in the arks cell with Murphy. Both sat there just listening to Raven scream as she had her non- anistetic surgery done by Dr Abby Griffin.

"Yeah. That was me at the Grounder camp. You know, I did everything I could not to scream, but eventually...- but eventually, you broke and you told them everything" Bellamy said interrupting Murphy as he spoke,

"And you wouldn't have because you're better than me- Damn right. I'm not a traitor. I didn't tell them where they could find us" Bell spat towards Murphy, "And I did. Yeah, I did. After they tortured me in their prison camp for 3 days, but go ahead. You just keep believing, even if you are in here just like me" Murphy said with anger.

Few hours have passed and it was night already. Bells eyes examined as the prison doors opened up, Finn rushed in.

"Time to go home. Get up. We're going after them" Finn assured and helped Bellamy up. Un-doing him from his handcuffs.

"It's about time" Bell spoke, " Wait, wait. What about me?" Murphy asked, Bellamy moved forward wanting to hurt him but Finn stopped Bell.

"Wait. No! What are you doing?" Finn asked, Bell raised his brow and picked up Murphy, "He's coming with us. He's been to the Grounder prison camp- He's right. Ok. I can bring you there" Murphy spoke explaining to the curious Finn. Monroe stepped forward, "Hey. Sterling just signaled. Someone's coming" She spoke while on guard.

All of them making their way out of the ark. The council have now put up a gate around the ark and camp area, they activated electric fences. The delinquents passed the guards, they met up with Abby in by the bushes. "You don't think anyone saw us- SHH keep it down" Finn spoke.

"You're late" Abby spoke while standing next to lieutenant Luke, "Bellamy decided to bring company- He's the only person that's been in their camp" Bellamy spoke interrupting Finn. They were now given guns needed from Abby. "Here. Find my son. His name is Nathan Miller" Lieutenant spoke. Abby gulped, "Find the 100. Bring them home." Abby mumbled.


"Dom?!" A voice spoke. Dom's eyes fluttered open. She had focused her eyes on Clarke...

Dom sat up and realised she was in a different room, it looked like a small mini hosital. "Clarke? what is this place? where are the others?" Dom asked, Clarke gulped and wrapped her arms around the clueless Dom. 

"We are in mount weather. People live here, people who need to be contaminated because they weren't born in radiation like us, or the grounders... I talked to president Wallace, he that they found you near the campground, injured, unconscious so they took you. But Dom, I don't trust this place"  Clarke spoke, Dom gulped and looked down to her wounds that were healing. "Me too" Dom replied. 

"Where are the others? Where's Bellamy? Finn?" Dom asked, Clarke sat closer and held Dom's hand. "I don't know about Bell and Finn, but the other 45 would love to see you" she whispered. Dom nodded and examined everything they walked by. Doors opened and Dom entered a cafeteria, she saw unfamiliar faces and familiar faces, people were eating and having fun. 

"Dom" Jasper yelled out, the 45 that survived turned around and all ran over towards Dom. All hugging her, "Eat, you need it" Monty spoke, Dom smiled lightly. 

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