Chapter 1

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A/N – Hi everyone! I currently put my Love Sick story on the Asianfanfics site. My friends Jae and Lacey have suggested I also put it on Wattpad, so here goes! I hope youll enjoy it, let me know what you think.

Disclaimer:- I own none of the original LS characters, they belong to their wonderful creator PHed

Regards Pam

Love Sick – New Horizons

Chapter 1

The atmosphere inside the car was very tense. Noh, who was driving his Pa's car, glanced anxiously at his companion who was sitting stiffly next to him in the passenger seat, looking out at the passing scenery with unseeing eyes.

As he approached traffic lights, Noh slowed down and brought the car to a halt as the red light came on. He turned to look at Phun, and placed his left hand over Phun's hand which was clenched on his knee. At the feel of his boyfriend's touch, Phun quickly looked round at him and linked his fingers through Noh's and gave a small smile.

"Phun, you're so quiet, what's up?" Noh glanced up at the lights to check they were still on red.

"I'm sorry Noh, I'm not mad at you, you do know that don't you? I'm so angry with my Pa, he's making me go so far away to visit these Universities. It's all to get me away from you, I know it!"

Noh looked at the lights again, and saw they were changing. He let go of Phun's hand and neatly set the car in motion. Once he was on course he began to talk quietly to Phun.

"I'm sure that's not true Phun. Your Pa has accepted that you and I are together hasn't he? He just wants what's right for you love, your future is really important and he feels this is the right way to find the most suitable Uni for the course you want to study."

"Noh, why do we have to go to University at all? Why can't you and I just leave school, both find a job, then we could get a small apartment and live together! That would make me the happiest man alive Noh! Please say you agree Noh, please!" Phun was aware he sounded like a whining child right at that moment, but he was so upset at the thought of travelling so far away from his precious boyfriend, and for five long days! It was all so unfair!

Just then the outskirts of the town's Railway Station came into view, and Noh concentrated on manoeuvring the car through the chaotic lines of traffic, some trying to make their way into the city, others trying to cross the lines to gain access to the Railway Station car park.

At last, through patience and luck, Noh managed to get into the car park, and by some miracle, found a space which he quickly drove into. As he brought the car to a standstill, turning off the engine and removing his seatbelt, he was able to look at last into the face he loved so much. He hated to see Phun so upset and he sat quietly for a short while, trying to think of what to say that would both soothe his love and also encourage him to be strong and see this as an adventure.

Noh gently reached over and stroked Phun's cheek with the back of his hand. "Phun, you know that I want to be with you just as much as you want to be with me, don't you?"

Phun was feeling a bit embarrassed about his earlier outburst now, and smiled sheepishly at Noh before nodding. "I'm sorry Noh for being so childish before, but I just can't bear the thought of not seeing you for five days while I'm away visiting these Universities."

Noh gave his throaty chuckle that Phun loved so much. "We've known for a long time that we couldn't be the 'Blue shorts guys' for ever haven't we! I don't think either of us would look good in them for much longer. Mine are definitely on the short fact, getting positively indecent really!"

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