Chapter 6

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Love Sick – New Horizons

Chapter 6

Noh slept fitfully after Ohm had left, he found himself drifting in and out of consciousness, waking with the strange feeling of having dreamt strange dreams that were leaving him anxious, but unable to recall what they had been about.

In one of his wakeful moments he became aware that it was P'Im who was sitting next to him and not P'Ann any more. He could vaguely hear voices in the distance but the words were faint and seemed garbled. His mouth was so dry, if only he could have a drink, just some water would do, but Noh couldn't rouse himself enough to ask. That was the last thing he thought as he gradually drifted into unconsciousness again.

While Ohm was making his way to school, he made more phone calls. He called his Ma to let her know he was on the bus going to school, then he rang Phun's mother to tell her what had happened. She was very upset, she was so fond of Noh and she assured Ohm she would go to the Hospital as soon as she could make arrangements with her work.

The next call Ohm made was to Mr. Juntasa. He was very shocked to hear what had happened to Noh, and he also told Ohm he would visit as soon as he could. After checking that Ohm was doing okay, Mr. Juntasa ended the call.


The trek through the forest was hard work, trees with long overhanging branches threatening to scratch and slap unsuspecting victims who got too close. Half hidden tree stumps caused another obstacle, catching the feet of students and tripping them up.

They finally reached their destination, which was a single storey wooden hut in the middle of a clearing. Mr. Leekpai and his assistant opened the door and instructed the students to bring in their belongings. The young people stepped inside the dark stuffy building, wondering what on earth they'd let themselves in for!

"Your faces are a picture!" Their teacher was grinning at them. His assistant, Joe, quickly went round the room opening up the dusty blinds that were covering the windows and light flooded in. "Ah that's better! Now we can see what's what!" In one corner of the room there were large canvas bags stacked, and next to them were long narrow wooden shelves, piled high with various items of equipment, lamps and wooden mallets, lengths of wood, rope and string in varying thicknesses and numerous items of cooking utensils.

"Okay now, if you'd all like to sit down somewhere, we'll explain what's going to be happening. The large canvas bags contain two-man tents. That's where we'll all be sleeping tonight, outside in the clearing. There are no luxuries here at all, I'm afraid....." Mr. Leekpai could see the students looking at each other. "There's no electricity, but we have got battery operated lamps for night-time. There are no toilets......." More shocked looks passed between the students. "We'll have to really rough it I'm afraid, by digging holes in the forest there, but we have got wooden stakes and some canvasses that we can create our own latrines."

The assistant Joe was enjoying watching all the faces of the young people, as they tried to digest all the information. He asked them, "Aren't there any of you who have been Scouts or Girl Guides?" About five hands were raised. "Did you ever go camping with them?" Two boys and one girl said they had. "That's a great shame that more of you haven't had that experience. It teaches you a little of how to survive in the great outdoors!"

Tong spoke up then. "It's only for one night, after all, I'm sure we can survive that long!" Many of the students agreed. Mr. Leekpai beamed at them.

"Good for you! If we get the tents put up first, then we can go and dig the holes and erect the latrines. We'll need to collect wood for fires, we'll be cooking our dinner over them, fortunately we've brought our own supply of water, but you'll have to use it sparingly, there won't be any showers or anything like that! Right then, let's get started on the tents, we can all help each other if anyone has a problem. Joe will start setting up the fire, I think we could do with a drink and a bite to eat soon."

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