Chapter 19

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Jack's POV


I fly into the open window of Elsa's dorm, still carrying her. The wind closes the door behind me, and I hear a slamming noise. I gently place Elsa down on her bed, prop her leg up, pull up a chair, and sit down, holding her limp hand in mine. I set my staff to the side, still having trouble believing that I used my powers in front of Hercules and Hans. Those people are definitely not people who I trust.

The door opens, but I don't look to see who it is. I keep my eyes trained on Elsa's face. I hear someone clear their throat.

"What?" I say, maybe a little too harshly.

"Uh, it's Anna."

"Oh," I say,"Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's ok," she cut me off,"I'd have been the same way."

I nod my thanks, but still look at Elsa. Anna comes and sits on the foot of the bed right next to Elsa's bad foot. When she sees it, her face flares up with anger, but it soon subsides to relief that we at least found her sister.

Two more people walk in; Punzie and Merida, both talking loudly. When they see Elsa, they become completely silent. Punzie's eyes open wide, and they both sit down by the bed.

"Is-is she ok?" Says Punzie.

I nod,"Ya. She's beat up and has a broken leg, but other than that, fine."

I was trying to sound genuine, but it didn't really work. I sounded very irritated towards them. Which I shouldn't. "I'm sorry," I say once again,"It just, I'm a little stressed and-"

"We all are," says Merida.

I nod. Punzie stands, "Uh, can you guys step out for a sec? Anna can stay."

"Wait, why?" I say.

"I'm her roommate, and Anna's her sister."

That's not a very good explanation, but I don't object. Merida and I get up and walk out the door. I lean against the wall and hold my staff in one hand.

"So..."says Merida, trying to start conversation,"Are you and Elsa, like... Related?"

I turn to her, eyes wide. "What are you talking about?! No!"

She puts her hands up defensively,"Don't blame me. You guys have the exact hair-"

"Mine's white! Elsa's is blonde!" I say, cutting her off.

"Oh, that's weird, cuz you're not an old man..."

I groan, and slap my forehead with my hand. "We. Are. Not. Related."

" you have a thing for her?"

Okay, why's this girl so nosy? Luckily, the door opens, and I walk quickly into the room, avoiding Merida's question. I look at Elsa's face, and expect her to still be asleep. But her beautiful eyes are open, and a small smile is place on her face. Anna is still at the foot of the bed, and Punzie is still on the floor. I walk and sit on the chair, and say,"Hey," grabbing her hand.

"Hey," she says weakly.

"You ok?"

She nods,"Ya. Leg's ok now. Head still hurts only slightly. Thanks to Punzie." She looks at Punzie, and smiles even bigger, and Punzie returns it. Elsa looks back at me, and her eyes suddenly widen with worry. She reaches up her hand to my cheek. I wince as she touches the huge bump given to my by Hercules. "What happened?" She asks.

I tell her about everything, starting from finding out that she had gone missing to bringing her here, even though she was just interested in my cheek. I move her hand off of it and place it on my other hand. We stare at each other like that for a while, just smiling. I then see Anna smiling hugely with mischievous eyes. Elsa and I pull away, embarrassed. Suddenly, Esmerelda and Bell walk into the room."Are you ok, Elsa?"

Elsa nods. "Well," continues Bell,"We thought that you might want to know that Tinker and everyone involved have been force to do some school service. And, they are not allowed to go to the dance."

Elsa nods again, and I can tell she's tired. Suddenly, Tooth runs in the room, out of breath. "Jasmine. She's- something's wrong."

Bell's eyes open wide,"Where is she?"

"Somehow, she got into the boys' dorm. She's- well let's just say that Aladdin is in danger."

All three of them rush out of the room, and we are left alone, wondering what just happened.

"I have to go see what happened." Says Anna,"I promise I'll be right back." She is mostly talking to Elsa.

Elsa nods and smiles as Anna rushes out the door. I look back at Elsa, and say,"Do you want to sleep?"

She nods again,"Ya."

We all help to get her under the covers, and she is out in seconds. I watch her beautiful, sleeping face. I can feel Merida's eyes on me, wanting an explanation for her question before. I want to know what my exact answer would be. Do I love Elsa? As I watch her face, I feel a fluttering in my stomach that sends chills down my spine. Maybe I am. Actually, I wouldn't be too surprised.


Please comment and vote! Another chap should be up by the end of Thursday the 24. If not, Friday the 25. Thanks for reading!


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