Chapter 18

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Jack's POV


I head to the cafeteria with Hiccup, Toothless, Eugine, and Kristoff. We had gotten some bad news during our meeting. Eric, Aurora's boyfriend, and Snow White's boyfriend have come down with a sickness, and were sent home.

At least most of us are still ok.

When we reach the cafeteria, the whole school is already there. I walk to my seat and look around for Elsa. I don't see her. Where is she?

I lean in to Punzie,"Have you seen Elsa?"

"She said she needed to drop some things off in her room. Esmerelda waited with her. They should be here any minute." Says Punzie.

As Mr.Beast starts to talk about mainly the same stuff we had learned in the meeting, I keep glancing anxiously at the door. Nothing.

I feel ready to just sprint out the door to the dorm when Esmerelda enters the room. I feel relieved at first, but when I see her expression, eyes wide, extremely worried, my heart leaps into my throat. What happened?

She runs up to the stage, interrupting Mr.Beast's speech. He looks at her as she talks to him, and I watch his face. It is a mixture of worry and disbelief. What's going on?

He looks back at the crowd, and clears his throat. "We need a search team."

What does he need it for? He coughs again,"Ms.Elsa Arendelle has gone missing."

What?! "I'll help!" I yell, standing.

"Me too!" Says Anna, her voice slightly shaken, but determined all the same.

Punzie, Kristoff, Merida, surprisingly Tinker and a few of her friends, and many other people I don't know volunteer to be the search team, including me.

We head out the door, and all I want to do is fly over the school, but I'm not sure if I want everyone to know that I have ice powers and can fly. So I decide to wait until I'm out of sight. I begin to run behind the dorms, but then I see something peculiar. Tinker and her friends are looking under trash cans.

Ok, there has to be something going on, right? I stomp on over to them, anger flaring inside. They must be the cause of this. When I get to them, Tinker batts her eyelashes at me. "Hey Jackie," she says.

I shove her against the nearby wall, and all three of them squeal,"Where is she?" I ask, my staff raised.

Tinker laughs,"Who? Elsa? Why would I know?"

"You were looking under trash cans."

"You never know." She tells me.

"Now, I'm not asking again. Where. Is. She." I say, venom dripping from every word.

She crosses her arms,"Why should I tell you?"

"Trust me. You don't want to see me any more mad than this."

She sighs,"Fine. All I'm gonna say is that we got her in her dorm."

I push away from Tinker and run to the girls' dorm. I know that she won't be there, but there might be evidence as to where she is being taken. I get around the building, and fly up to her balcony. To my relief, the door is open. I step inside and then into the hallway. I look around. Nothing. I'm about to leave when a shiny glint catches my eyes. I would know that any where. Ice. And guess who probably did it.

I run over to it, and see a small message written onto the wall.

Look for me in the shed.


What shed? I don't care if I have no idea where it is. I walk back onto the balcony, and begin to fly around. After flying over half of the campus, and seeing no shed, I feel my hope slipping away. No. I can't just give up. I fly to the only place I haven't been; the forest next to PE. I go straight there, and I hover over the trees.


I see a small little wooden building hidden in the foliage of the trees. If I hadn't been looking this hard, I would have definitely missed it. I fly down swiftly and quietly, trying not to draw attention to myself. I land lightly on a tree, perching myself on the branch. I look closer at the shed. Hercules is guarding it. Ugh.

I jump down nimbly from the tree, my feet making only a small padding sound on the floor.

Sadly, that must have been loud enough.

Two strong hands grab me from behind, one covering my mouth and the other around my neck. "What are you doing here, lover boy?" Hans.

I don't respond, but instead I jab my staff into his leg, freezing it. He falls to the ground and screams, watching as his leg freezes over. I hide behind the tree, hoping that Hercules didn't notice anything, but he couldn't have missed it.

"Jack, I know you're there. Come out."

I do. I step out from behind the tree, holding my staff like I usually do in a casual way. He looks me over, and says,"How'd you find this place?"

I shrug.

"Where's Hans?"

I shrug again.

"Not one for words, huh? Come back Sunday, you'll get your girl then."

"No, I'm getting Elsa today."

"No you aren't. You don't stand a chance against me. I'm strong, your scrawny and crippled." He gestures at my staff. It must look like I'm crippled because I always lean on it like I need support. I look at him and smile. He'll see who the real me is soon.

I move my hands is a taunting gesture,"Come at me."

He laughs,"This'll be quick."

"Yep. It will." I say.

He then charges me at full speed. When he gets close enough, I use the wind to nimbly lift me out of the way, but not enough to make him think that I can fly. He comes at me again, and I do the same thing. Angered, he sends a hard blow to my face, and, sadly, I don't get out of the way. It connects right with my right cheek bone, and my head whips around. I feel it ache horribly as I press my hand to it. O, it's on now.

I told myself that I wouldn't tell anyone about my powers who I don't really trust. But sometimes, I have too. This is one of those times. I lift my staff and send a blast of ice at Hercules's chest. He flies back as hits the nearest tree. I send more ice to his legs and arms. Eventually, he is stuck to the tree.

He looks at me, shocked. He tries to talk, but I seriously am not in the mood to hear him talk. Elsa has been taken away from me and I have been punched, hard, in the face. So I make a ice gag on his mouth, and he is left saying," Mm Mmm!"

I ignore him and try to open the shed door. I can't, it needs a key. I freeze the door, and then break it down. I rush inside, and see a beat up looking Elsa on the floor, unconcious. Her leg is at a weird angle; it must be broken. I run to her side and swoop her up into my arms. I walk out the door, and, pulling out my phone, I dial Anna's number. It rings a few times, then I hear a sheepish voice answer, clearly afraid,"Hello? Jack?"

"Hi Anna. I found Elsa."

I hear a happy squeal, and I yank the phone away from my ear. "You did?! Is she ok?"

"Uh..." I look down at Elsa's broken leg and black eye. "Come see for yourself at her dorm. Oh, and by the way, I found her in a shed in the forest by PE. And the people behind all of this are Hans, Hercules, and the 'fairies'." That's what we have started to call them,"Tell all of this to Mr.Beast and that he'll find Hans and Hercules here in the forest."

"Uh, ok..."

"Gotta go! Bye!"

I hang up the phone, and lift off into the air. I look down at Elsa's face, and realize the pain that she must have gone through. I lean down and kiss her on the forehead."I won't let anyone ever hurt you again. I promise."


Please comment and vote! Sorry I couldn't update earlier, I have school again.😔 it'll be done soon(school)!


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