Mermaids And Werewolves What Next?! CHAPTER 9

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Sarah's POV:

I heard a chocking sound, and went to see what it was. When I did, I saw Myles. What is he doing here?! He came back down, and did fish language. How did he know that????? All I did was swim away.

I felt him fallowing me. He did the language again, telling me to go up to the surface. Why? Because we were mates. I always wanted one, I always envied Werewolves. Guess, I just had to wait. We both went up to the surface as I swam farther away from him.

"Sarah, don't move away from me!" I flinched at his tone; the alpha tone........... Is he alpha? Am I going to be Luna? Wh-

"Sarah? Talk to me!"

"s-sorry" I shutter. I hate it when I shutter........

"no, I am sorry. I need to tell you that I-"

"I understand, I accept." I was in tears. I knew he wouldn't want me when he knew the real me.......


"I get it, okay? Just go away, this is not the time for you and I to talk about this."

"will you let me finish what I was going to say?"

"no, just leave."

"here's the problem, 1 I don't know how to get out of here, 2, you need to hear what I want to say, and 3, I don't wanna leave you......"

"1, exits on the left, push the triangle shaped rock to open it, 2, I don't need to, I know what you are going to say, and 3, you have too."

He huffs, gets out, goes to where I am pointing to, and looks at me, pleading at me to listen to him. I know what he's going to say, he was going to reject me. That's why I want him out, the whole reason I'm here is because of relationships.

"you need to hear what I want to say, and you will, eventually"

Was all he said before he left through the passage way.

Myles POV:

Why did she freak out? Did I do something? Did someone hurt her? I growled at the last one. Had she been with someone? Well, they may not life to see the 4th of July...........

'mate! Mate! Mate hurt! Go go go! Go to mate!'

'why is she hurt?!'

'not now, go to mate!'

Didn't have to tell me twice, I buoyed toward the cave I came from, and listened from the outside to see what the danger was.

"what did he want to say? Was he going to reject me? I knew this would happen, he could never love me........... Troy said no, maybe if I beg he would agree, that is if he doesn't reject me.............."

Why would she say that? I would never think of rejecting her, thats B. S. what did Troy have anything to do with this? Hmmmm I should go see whats wrong.

"Sarah, why would I even think about rejecting you?"

She gasps as she turns around to face me. Her face filled with guilt and sadness.

"my brother always hated the idea of me in a relationship with a boy. Even if he was gay! Can you believe that?"

"well, he needs to get over that idea, and I can't believe that."

"why would he need to forget that idea?"

"because I am never letting you go; I found you, I don't wanna lose you"


Hey people that read this! If you have any suggestions for me, just comment them!





Meet a dinosaur

And speak for the trees!

-C. R. C. S.

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