Mermaids And Werewolves, What Next?! CHAPTER 2

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Sarah's POV:

When they were done inside, they came out to the car, and we road to school in silence.

Once we stepped out of the car, ALL eyes were on us. We just smiled, and went to the office. When we got there, a woman in late 40's or early 50's was behind a computer.

"how may I help you?"

"we need schedules, locker combinations, and a map of the school for Troy, Chandler, Gabe, and Sarah Opal." As you already guessed, that would be Troy speaking. He has and always will be in charge. She gave us our stuff, and we instantly memorized the map, schedules, and locker numbers. We went through the hallway will all eyes on us again. We are used to it though, us Mers have natural beauty, or as my brothers call it, handsomeness or whatever.

I went to my first period class, science, yay! (note the sarcasm)

"can anyone tell me what............................"

Does she realize that no one is listening to her? I don't think so! Ugh!!!!! I'm so bored!!! I learned this 6 years ago!!!!

"Sarah, do you know the answer?"

"F=ma and F= 350 N" I answered in a 'duh' tone.

"yes Sarah, you are correct. At least someone in this class knows something."

After class, I was the only one to leave. Weird. Oh well. I went to go meet up with my brothers. I was getting my stuff for my next class before I met up with my brothers. I was closing my locker when I was pushed up against them, and with someone on top of me. Since I can talk to my brothers in my head, and a boys hand was going up and down my thigh, I screamed,

'Troy!!! Chandler!!!! Gabe!!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!! HEY! I DON'T WANT TO BE TOUCHED THERE!!!!! HURRY UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'


Heyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!! What do you think is going to happen to her???????? You may not expect it!!!!!!!

-C. R. C. S.

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