I cant belive its you? Chapter 1

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My wife left mean and our son after our "forced" marriage, she never loved me but still had a kid with me?

Agh whatever its his first day of year 2, what if little Jacob gets a girlfriend <<;

I walk him out the door and drive him to school. I walk with him to his class, huh we're early than most students? I hope he does well after the move here...

We walk in the class and...Aph? I feel my heart start besting out of my chest, she walks up to me and smiles "Hi! I'm miss Phoenix!- Aaron?!"

I smile trying not to blush " Hey Aph...I MEAN Miss Phoenix!" She laughs asking "Who's your adorable son?" I say looking down at him knowing he looks more like then him mother I say "He's Jacob, me and Nikki spilt up, she just...Never loved me...I mean we where forced to get married :/"

She says laughing "Is that why you stopped talking to me?" I say ushamed "Nikki was very jelouse for some reason, and I had to stop talking to you..."

I hear kids start walking in and I say "OK, love you Jacob! And nice catching up, Aph! Or should I say...Miss Phoenix." She blushes "Bye Aaron!" I walk out and drive to work...But all I can think about is Aph, she was my first kiss...I have always loved her...She was the women I went to prom with....Before I know it, I'M LATE GO PICK JACOB UP!!!

I'm probably going to be only 1 or 2 minutes late but still. I drive to the school and speed walk to Jacobs classroom...I'm surprised to walk in and see Aphmau and Jacob just talking?...I mean she has always been good with kids but Jacob is very shy...

I say "Hey Jacob, hey Aph!" She looks towards me and smiles "Hey Aaron! Jacob is a really great kid!!" I smile walking to I'm guessing Jacobs desk and say "You don't need to tell me!" Jacob smiles pulling up a piece of paper he has written and he smiles "Dad! I wrote a note about my life! And a bunch of stuff! " I laugh grabbing it and start sciming through the note

Aphmau smiles "It said a lot about you and...Nikki." Jacob quickly stuffs it in his bag and smiles "Bye miss Phoenix!!" I ask "Aph? Can I talk to you about something?" Aph smiles and we walk a little distance from Jacob. I say being simpithatic "I'm sorry about not getting back in touch with you...Me and Nikki have been over for a year and I tried texting you and calling you but did you change your number?"

Aph smiles trying to laugh "I had to change my number thanks to a creep!" She grabs a little note and writes a phone number and says "I didn't get back in touch with you because I thought you wanted time away from me!"

I say "No Aph! I wanted to call you every day but I knew it would cause a fight...And I thought you would be mad at me because I stopped talking to you!" She throws "Aaron! I could never stay mad at you!" I say bye and me and Jacob drive back and I ask "Do you like miss Phoenix?" Jacob smiles so happily "YES! SHES AWESOME!! Why did mum not want you to talk to her??"

I answer "Well...Me and miss Phoenix we um, we thought of dating each other..." Jacobs eyes light up "SHE WOULD HAVE BEEN THE BEST MUM!!" I start laughing trying not to take my eyes off the road, Jacob says "We got to play dogeball and we practiced writing stories! She read 'the lonely pony' (Yes Simpsons reference) and than we wrote about our lives!"

We get out of the car with Jacob platering off about his day, I make some dinner and we watch 'The space defenders' (IDK if it's real) Jacob really wanted to watch it.

We finish dinner, Jacobs goes for a shower, bushes his teeth and than goes to sleep. I grab the note out of Jacobs bag and start reading it in bed...I haven't even gotten changed,

"Dear miss Phoenix, I am Jacob Lycan! My dad is Aaron Lycan and my mum is Nikki Qu, I have a aunt and 2 uncles I don't see them that much like my mum but I have my dad! He's the best dad ever! When mum left he did anything and everything to make me happy! I miss mum, she wasn't the nicest but she was still my mum! My favourite colour is orange and I enjoy hanging out with my dad! That's the most that happens in my life! From Jacob Lycan!"

I smile muttering "He's a cute kid..." I snap out of my mind with my phone going off...Huh a message? I grab the phone to see a text from another number saying "Hi F.C it's Shu! 😃" I smile remembering how awesome she is and I reply with "Hey Shu! 8D" she responds with "😤😤 I hate that face!!! But at least I know it's you! 😆" I laugh and text "You still remember my number off by heart? 8D " she replies with "It's hard to forget such a great persons number!!! 😊" I look away from my phone to see Jacob standing at my door crying saying "I-I had a r-really bad nightmare!" I put my phone down and sprint over to Jacob I pick him up in my arms and say hugging him "It was just a dream...You're alright..." Jacob cries into my chest and I say rubbing his back

"I'll come sit in your room until you fall asleep...Ok?" Jacob cries stuttering "O-ok..." I quickly grab my phone and go to his room and lay him down on his bed and go sit down on the floor, I start playing his lullabies and Jacob says still crying "I-I love you dad..." I smile "I love you too Jacob..." I text Aph "Sorry I got to go! Jacob had a really bad nightmare! 😥 " Aph replies "I hope he gets some sleep tonight 😢! And have a good night F.C!"

I turn my phone screan off and Jacob asks biting his teddies eye "Who are y-you taking to?" I answer blushing "Miss Phoenix..." Jacob smiles with the tears slowly stopping "She is really nice!" He yawns...After a hour or so he gets to sleep I get up and go back to my room changing into pants and no shirt I lay down shutting my eyes and going to sleep.

Hope you enjoyed I know this is weird but I kind of liked it :/ bye!!

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