I'm Evil, Not Mean, There's A Difference.. (5SOS)

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To be exact evil means wicked. Mean is like you're doing it on purpose. Look I'm not an English teacher if you want to really know go ask one or pick up a dictionary for the first time in your life. Get your lazy butt up and read a book, go learn something... See now that was mean.. Evil is NOT the same thing. Evil is more like me thinking of crashing my car into all these horrible drivers in front if me. I'm illegally driving and I still drive better.

"COME ON!" I yell to myself.

I finally get off the freeway and head down a creepy road, that would be pitch black if I wasn't driving on it.

It's raining bricks and stones. It's really down pouring. Which is exactly what I need while illegally driving.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" I scream. This is exactly what I need the gas ran out of this "bucket" of a car.

I get out the car.. which is not mine. Well it is.... It's just I don't claim it. It's crap.

"WHY DOES THE WORLD HATE ME SO MUCH?" I scream and run around to front of my car and begin to kick it.

I see lights approach and I see my shadow. I don't even care at this point. I try to climb on top of my car but I slip because of all the rain, making it pretty much impossible for me to climb on top of my car.

"OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO, NOW YOU'RE GOING TO GET IT!" I yell at my car as I finally throw my body on top of it and begin peeling off paint. I want to to do more damage, so I stand up carefully and begin stomping on my car trying to dent it.

Those distance lights approach me  probably now about 10 feet away.

"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I hear a guys voice yell out behind me and I notice the lights from that car... that...stopped?

"Hey what are you.."

I hear as I slip off the car and tumble on the strange man.

"Oh I am so sorry..." I say softening up my voice." I slipped and I kinda fell.. because of the rain and my car ran out of gas!" I say to the guy. I couldn't see his face.

But his voice is so familiar .. Australian accent maybe? He gets up causing me to roll off of him. He stands up and immediately grabs me and helps me up.

I can feel that he has mud all over him.

"Again I am so terribly sorry.. I just.."

"You don't have to be sorry. I can just wash my clothes." He says to me. He sounds more and more familiar.

"CALUM! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" A boy looks at me from the car door. Well it wasn't a car more like a RV. More like a... a... a TOUR BUS! OMG CALUM, AUSTRALIA, A TOUR BUS! 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER! I.. I... I...

"Calum! The driver said just let her in... It's pouring!" The boy said and I recognize that it's Ashton.

" What about her car?" Calum says figuring that that piece of trash.. my car.. Is in fact... mine.

"We can connect it to our bus." The driver says. The bus pulls forward in front of the my dumb car and Calum connects my car to the back of the bus.

"Okay jump in! Or did you not want to come?" Ashton says reassuring me, making sure I actually want to come. I nod to reassure him.

I step inside the bus and the smell of man hits me. Calum shows me the bathroom so I can clean myself up. He so nice.


"Her car is stuck! Boys you have to go there and push it! Michael get up!" The bus driver says.

All the boys but Michael rush quickly to go push it. But Michael groans as he bumps into me and walks to go help the boys. After a minute they push my car and they head back on the bus. They walk on all soaked and muddy. Calum, Ashton and Luke all go into the back room for a few minutes then all walk out with pj's on. Michael bumps into me again as he heads into the bathroom. Why is he being such a jerk to me? Does he realize how evil I am?!

"Attention seeker..." I hear Michael mumble under his breath. I feel the bus start to move.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?" I finally snap. I have been angry all day and now I'm PISSED!

" I SAID.." I cut Michael off with a slap.

"I heard what you said.. Don't EVER say anything about me ever again MICHAEL!" I tell him letting him know, letting them all know, I know who they all are.

Michael storms away, I sit in the lounge area of the bus and the rest of the boys just stand there in shock. Michael's mad, Ashton, Luke and Calum are in shock... Yep this is going to be funnnn...


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K thanks.. Bye!

Or and I will update!

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