chapter 2

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*Gasping*  There should be a clearing here somewhere, I am sure this is the way I was running the last time I broke free, I had put white paint marks on the tree for guidance, maybe white paint marks where not such a good idea now they must've known where I am heading. I need to pass this time or else this time I am dead for certain. I run as fast as I could gasping loudly gulping in the cold air, I take a swift right turn and hide behind a boulder. Crisp leaves getting crushed under my swollen torn, bloody feet. 

Ah I gasp and close my mouth with my hand and duck . I count till 5 trying to ease my breath without sounding like I am dying of asthma here. I don't know how many men he had sent two, four, eight maybe ten?. Maybe few are guarding the main road.. oh lord I hope they are standing by the main road.

I get onto all fours and move ahead like a tiger.. ok maybe not like a tiger more like a fox looking at my unruly hair which I didn't wash since a week.

"You better come out and save us the trouble, or it will be much more worse that it was last time sweet pea" I heard a harsh voice screaming in the dark woods. God I hated when he called me sweet pea, I took a big rock double the size of my behind with a pointed edge and held it. "My patience is getting real thin here" the voice getting more clear and present as if they were right be... "Alright now" he grabbed my hair sharply from behind making me stand, " Now what did I tell you about run-- Aaahh I hit his head as hard as I could with the rock in my hand, I did it again more roughly around his ear and he dropped down. I threw the rock and saw the torches heading my way and ran straight ahead. I hope I get the clearing.

The cold air hitting my face making my hair fly back and forth .My breath becoming harsh as I ran, my feet were burning up I just wanted to get rid of them. I looked behind and the torches were getting further away from me. I saw another white paint mark that was visible due to full moon. I heard a gun shot behind me, oh shit this is worse than before, they will disable me if not killing me this time, I am certain of this. I just hope and pray I don't fall into any traps that they have set in the woods. I shuddered thinking about the last time when it happened. The trees were getting dense, the moonlight was not providing enough light this way, the voices behind getting distant.

I stumbled and fell from the big branch that had fallen of the tree scraping my leg and tearing of the sleeves of the dress, "shit, shit, shit, shit, I need to make it this time" I muttered and got up ignoring the throbbing pain in my whole body but particularly in my knee, and I fell again. " Oh god no!" I explained unable to keep the pace as before.

I heard the gun shot again behind me and a man shouting my name making me cry out in fear .I got up and started running into the woods with fear and a limp, my knee was bleeding all over my leg, I hope I make it I prayed and ran for my freedom more than life.

My legs where throbbing as if they would break any minute my energy deflating along with my hope , If I get caught they will have me and probably break both of my legs so that I wont try to run again, If I escape at least Ill have one of them .

I took a sharp left as soon as I saw the road split in front of me in two directions. I left the plain road and decided to go further inside toward the left inside the woods . It got more dark and denser as if the darkness had swallowed the forest and the moonlight had become a small dim light, the hair on the nape of my neck stood up in fear.

I stopped halting at my steps. My feet hurting as though my skin was ripped from my feet, I looked down and I could see my knee bone, it wasn't just bleeding I can see my freaking bone here. I head a twig snatch and all the pain was forgotten as I ran fast ahead as much as my limp could allow me .

I dint know where exactly I was running at this point, I don't think I reached this far in all of my attempts and had no idea where to hide in these woods as everywhere I see is darkness and millions of tall trees . I run further more hoping I not not becoming a meal of some animal if not dead by those men . Don't know which would be worse, the latter I guess . I shuddered at the thought. As I ran faster as much as my "paper" scratched knee would allow I tumbled down and rolled down like a ragged down and landed on the road flat face down, great. I opened my eyes ignoring the pain that ran through my entire body as if some car has run over like a million times . I tried to to stand up again and only managed to sit down. And balance my upper body. Blood, there was blood over me, my baby blue dress now had become red, my lip was swollen and ripped my knee scraped to no return. I couldn't keep it together anymore and I started crying as if not someone but I myself have died. I cleaned my eyes with my dirty, torn fingers and looked up.

That's when I saw a small light at the other end of the road. I moved my hair from face and tried to get a better look, all my emotional and physical pain forgotten, adrenalin rushing in my body. Hope sparkling in form of that small light from a far I looked down at myself and realized at least there are no broken bones yet ,that's a good thing I suppose . But it hurt like hell wont deny that. I managed to stand at my 5,1 height . I tumbled a little . I closed my eyes and took few breaths to calm my heart down . My chest was throbbing. Everything in my body hurt but I can feel my freedom coming to me and I smiled for the first time in maybe a decade.

I stood up straight and decided to go towards the house crossing the main road suddenly a pair of hand grabbed my wrist I froze my eyes wide with fear tears falling down my face " no, no, no no," I muttered, I've reached this far I'm almost there, I can almost taste my freedom. My heart was hammering in my chest with fear l tried to break free from his grab without looking who the person is but instead he pulled me back and pinned me to the tree behind me, his eyes mixture of blue and gray but under the moonlight it looked more blue then gray piercing to mine, they were hard I could see the coldness in them but yet they felt warm.

I felt the place burn where he has touched me, my whole body was in pain but my wrist was burning with the touch, I could still differentiate it , I don't know the reason maybe because of his grip on me, the fact that my skin was peeled or something else. Who is this guy,  he didn't smell like alcohol or smoke for that matter, but something which I can't put my finger on right now, its mingled with my blood and the air of fear.  But  I have never seen him in the house, maybe he wasn't around, maybe he is new, maybe he's someone who would help me. But why would  he grab me and pin me if he was here to help, nothing of this is making sense. Maybe if I talk to him I will know "Please let me go" I cried and tried to break free from his hand.

His gripped tightened on my hand "Stay put, this is best for all of us" he said with a hint of sadness in his voice in the end or the way he was looking at me, with so much coldness in his eyes as if he was disgusted with me and that was enough for me to understand that he was one of HIS men. Tears falling down my face and his face getting blurry. Everything was coming crashing down. I couldn't keep it together. I felt my breath picking. I was breathing heavily. My heart racing inside my rib cage. Me trying to get away from his grip. "Please..."I stuttered looking towards the light across the road. "Please.. I beg you.." I cried

"I.....he started, his grip on me lessening. I took the chance and kneed him where the sun don't shine "ah.. you.." he screamed

But I ran for my life cutting him off not bothering his screams to who he was or what he might do to me I headed towards the road with hurry not seeing the car coming with much greater speed then mine white light piercing in my eyes like a needle ........and everything just blacked out.




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