Where are we?

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Oh dear mind, don't you let me down, you know how I love you,

Please be around, in this darkness, I will surely need you

How did the shoreline get so dark?

And when will the storm stop raging?

I need to see the light, to navigate to safety,
And here we are, entangled in the traps that we fabricated

All those thoughts that make no sense, 
and the feelings that make you lose direction

It's like being lost over and over again, 
despite holding the key

I don't want to bury my head in the ground, 

I crave to rise up and see

So arouse my fire, fuel it higher, make it roar and may it destroys,

till all the negativity and the fakeness covering me goes away,

because all I want is to live truly and leave the sins of my past behind

I want to laugh freely again, 

the child in me needs to feel that,

Forgiving myself and loving others,

doing something that will be remembered, leaving a legacy, even if it's only me who sees it

Leaving the past, and rebirthing again,
finding this new path and treading along it with utmost joy,

That's all I desire

I am so close to victory,
against the darkness I've fought so long

God is with me, I know I will always win. 

Thank you

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