#3: Finally...

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Lloyd POV

I just kept sitting in there, distracted and busy with so many questions stuck in my head:

Where did my father go?

When will I leave this place?

When will I meet my mother?

Will I actually meet my mother ever again?

Am I going to die in here?

What will my father do?

Will he stab me again?

Will he poison me?

Will he beat me up till I go to heaven? Will he free me?

But I don't care anymore...I don't care for him, and I will be so happy if he leaves my family alone! I just care for my mother...me and my mother...I miss her truly and I bet she's worried sick for me...If it weren't for those shackles to be strong, I would be in the home now! But father had to come with these...

I clutched my stomach and hugged my knees close, when was the last time I ate, you ask? It's been three days since I was separated from my mother...And I didn't know the school rules are so strict like this! I thought he was kidding when he said "No food or water"! I mean, I'm literally starving! Anything could make me survive! I mean, ANYTHING! A piece of bread at least!

I sighed and looked at the door as it opened. I bright light entered through the dim and black room for the first time in forever!

The light made me squint to see if anyone was there, but nothing showed.

Was he trying to free me?

Is he giving me a chance?

I looked another time at the bright white light...to find a black figure...

"Please dad! Let go of me! I'll promise to be a better son! I'll be the first in my class and I'll do my homework..." I said.

Laughters of his black blood echoed through the room. He came closer to me and kneeled down to be exactly in front of me.

"I'm going to make a deal with you. If you take this little shot, then you can go and never return. But if you won't, you'll stay starving in here and I'll leave you till you die. So, what do you choose?" He asked me.

I looked at him and narrowed my eyes. "A little needle and you'll let go of me?" I asked him. He nodded his head. "It won't hurt....much." He said.

I sighed and gave him my arm. "If it means that I get to hug mom again...then okay." I said, looking at him. He nodded and rolled up my sleeve. I sighed and looked at my weak and shaky arm from lack of energy.

After few seconds, there was a sharp pain with the feeling of something entering my arm deeply and painfully. I gasped and gave a grimace of pain.

"I thought you would scream." He said in his usual tone. I stayed silent and opened my eyes to be looking at the needle which had a bit of the liquid inside. The thing that surprised me was that it was green...SUPER green. Not the green in a lime juice, but the green in the grass...Which quite scared me.

He finally took it out and I sighed in relief. "What is that liquid?" I asked him. He looked at me and rolled down my sleeve. "It's a good liquid." He said.

I was suspicious at first, but then gave up and let go of the question.

He opened the shackles and I stood up so shakily. It wasn't just because of the fact that I was sitting on the concrete ground for 36 hours, but it's just because my leg was stabbed and it is super sore. Putting pressure on it by standing in it can harm me! And even cause me much pain!

I looked at him with sympathy and pain showing in my eyes. "Can you help me to the exit, please?" I pleaded. He glared at me and shook his head. "Nope, I don't want and I won't help you." He said. I sighed and forced to use my leg to the exit.

"Finally I'm leaving this place forever..." I mumbled before leaving.

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