When we where young

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Rachel Berry walked the halls of McKinley with an air of superiority over her. Holding her head high and her body strong she dodged and weaved her way through the masses of student bodies, in her own mind she was a force to be reckoned with, but to everyone else she was a nobody. Bottom of the totem pole. Hardly even noticeable if it wasn't for her tragic fashion sense or her need to be centre of attention.

She wasn't popular by any standards, nor did she fit into the conformity of what was deemed 'popular'. She wasn't tall, at 5'2 she was significantly smaller than everyone else in her grade. She didn't have much in the way of fashion, and she still wore her long chestnut brown hair in the style of a 12year old. She didn't have many friends, just those she shared Glee club with, even at that she wouldn't consider them nor they wouldn't consider her and actual friend. In her two years at McKinley she hadn't made much of an impact, just enough that people knew who she was or should I say, who Her bullies led people to believe she was.

However, Rachel did have one thing that made her stand out from the crowd, she has this incredible powerful voice that brought whole arenas to attention. People literally stopped dead in their tracks and stood to her attention. She was mesmerising completely and profoundly. And that's exactly why she never let a word any of the other kids said destroy her. Someday she was going to be someone, someone they looked up to, someone that they would tell anyone they met "I used to go to school with her". She was going to be a star, her face was going to light up every billboard on Broadway, she was going to make it, what she suffered at high school was simply paying her dues.

That's why she can walk these halls with her head high and confidence ripping from her. She walked the corridors with a skip in her step, smiling widely at every student who ignored her. Saying a cheery 'good morning' to those who accidently made eye contact. She was ignored by everyone until she felt the sharp pain of a thousand needles stabbing her at once in the face, neck and chest. Stopping dead, she scraped her hand across her eyes and waved her hand to the ground removing a thick gloop of blue slushie, and letting it fall to the waxed floor in enough time to see 4 or 5 football guys walking away high fiving and cheering.

Everyone's attention was certainly on her now as her eyes wandered the thousand staring back at her, they didn't even bother to hide the fact they found it funny, half where doubled over and half where holding their phones in front of her catching this moment, she sighed 'great I'm going viral again' she muttered to herself. she looked round again and her heart stopped when she saw her main tormentor looking back, hand covering her mouth sniggering into her palm. Rachel's face twisted into a frown which made the girl laugh harder. She hated Quinn fucking Fabray.

Quinn Fabray was at the other end of the social spectrum from Rachel. Being head cheerleader made her the most popular girl in school. It didn't hurt that she was incredibly beautiful, that she had the most mesmerising hazel eyes and the greatest smile you've ever seen in your life. Seriously google Quinn Fabray, I'll wait. Done? Good. She really is a picture of teenage perfection, perfect face, pefect body, perfect blonde hair but perfect bitch.

She literally had it all, popularity, brains, power, dating the quarterback Finn Hudson, and a gaggle of cheerleaders that followed her about like she was the new flippin messiah. All this ensuring her reign of the school, No matter how perfect her life was or seemed to be, she was miserable. She thought she was going crazy, she had everyting she had ever wanted but it didn't feel the way it should or atleast the way she thought it should. Something wasn't right, something was missing, something that she couldn't quite put her finger on.

"You know it's getting a bit tired" Finn's voice broke her from her daydream and she realised she was still staring off into the space Rachel had fumbled off in.

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