Reverse Is Impossible

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Snapping, yelling, screaming,

Everybody's seeing

Just who I am, What I am capable of.

Why do I have to snap?

Why do I have to cry?

They say that they don't care, that they're all dead inside.

But me? I care! Never felt more alive.

Everything around me is tremblin, bursting,

I try so hard, so hard to reverse it

Never meant to hurt you, never meant to scream

and yet you ended up walking away from me.

(Chorus SING)

Why can't I put it in reverse?

I said the things that reached my mind first!

Need to stop and think!

Before I start to speak!


Reverse, reverse,

rewind, rehearse,

try to turn back the clock,

like Doctor Who with Amy Pond,

throw a little wrench in the timeline,

but its like i am in a box,

Cant get this time machine in reverse,

because there is no such thing,

Snap outta my dream, into reality

Cold water feeling washing over me.

(Chorus Sing)

Why can't I put it in reverse?

Said the things that reached my mind first!

Need to stop and think,'

Before I speak!


Its all so terrifying,

have nothing to hide behind.

Its just me,

clawing back up towards a new day

the past is in the past

Need to let it all go.

But I....

I can't think....


what have i done?

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