A Pirate Meets Her Match: England

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 There she was; Lucifer, the most feared ship on the seven seas.'Not for long,' you mused, allowing a smirk to play at the edge of your lips. the best part of it was, neither the captian nor his crew would see this coming. The Siren's Song, your own ship, sailed silently through the waves,which were as black as the night surrounding them. Your crew prepared to board the opposing ship as you drew near. That treasure was as good as yours.

 It was total pandamonium when your crew boarded the ship. Swords clashed, men wrestled on the deck. You strode through the mayhem with a cold smile on your lips. You entered the captain's chambers and cocked your pistol, holding it to the captian's forehead. "Hand over the treasure, Kirkland," you demanded, pressing the barrel into his flesh to emphasise your point.

 The captain chuckled. "Who might you be missy?" he said, nonchalant in the face of danger.

 You gritted your teeth. He was mocking you. "Where is the treasure?" you asked, growing impatient with his smug expression already.

 "I'll show you mine if you show me yours first," he siad with a cheeky grin.

 Your response was to crack him over the head with your gun. He stumbled, then hit the deck with a thud. You pressed the full weight of your foot onto his chest, pinning his to the floor. You called two of your men in. "Search the entire room. Tear it apart if you must," you ordered. The men took your commands to heart. They tore the place apart in their haste to find the treasure.

 "You mean business, don't you missy?" the captain said from the floor. Though his mockng tone stayed, his smirk faultered. He was on the verge of unconiousness.

 You only had a limited amount of time to say your peice. You bent until your lips brushed the captain's ear. "Remember this day, Arthur Kirkland. When you awake, the treasure will be gone and you will no longer be the most feared man to sail the seas," you whispered menacingly.

 "At least I'll die with an excellant veiw," he said, still grinning. You drew yourself up to your full height and kicked him angrily. The blow shut him up. 'Stupid wanker,' you thought bitterly. Now you could conduct your search in peace.

 "Have you foound anything?" you said, turning to your men.

 "Nuthin' yet Cap'n," said one, nervously wringing his hat in his hands.

 "Search the entire ship. I want no corner undiscovered," you directed. The men scrambled away to complete thier task. You collapsed on the captain's hammock with an exhausted sigh. Soon this whole ordeal would be over and you would return to your cabin with a pretty pile of gold. You leaned back, only to be jabbed in the spine. You twisted around to find a half-empty bottle of rum. 'Must be my lucky day,' you thought to yourself as you popped the top and took a generous swig. It wasn't bad. Captian Kirkland apparently had good taste.

 You looked over at him now, taking another drink of his private rum. You decided you liked him when he was quiet. He was handsome despite those caterpillar brows. He had a strong jaw and hair like sunshine. He looked so paticularly non-threatening laying there passed out on the floor, you almost felt sorry for treating him so roughly.

 Your pity was dashed aside whenthe two men returned out of breath and excited about something. "We found it Cap'n! We found the treasure!" they cried.

 "Good work, men. Haul her up on the Siren's Song and we'll find some place to dock. This is a cause for celebration," you said with a rare smile.

 The next evening you and your crew were crowded around a table in a seedy pub. You stood and cleared your throat and all conversation subsided. "Men, things are about to change for the better," you declared, your voice ringing dramatically in the silence. "They said it was impossible. 'There's no way a crew with a woman captain can amount to anything' they said. Well look at us now, our pockets are brimming with wealth. And I owe it all to you...and also to Captain Arthur Kirkland who very generously supplied it to us." You raised your glass in a toast. "To the good captain!" you cried.

 The celebration began immediatly. There were tall-tales and joking and merry-making all around. The bar maid yelped and glared at the men, clutching her hiny while the men roared with laughter each time she ventured too close. You drank each and every one of them under the table while keeping steady youorself. It was a grand time but it was over far too soon. You were guiding your drunken crew down the warf toward your ship when you heard someone call out your name. You turned to see who it was and felt a smirk slide onto your face. "Captain Kirkland. What a surprise," you said as you approached.

 "I want that treasure," he said. His words came out thick, running together like molasses and he swayed where he stood. It was plain to see the fellow had had more than a few drinks himself.

 Your smirk grew into a full-blown smug grin. "You can take it when I'm dead," you said, voice mocking, condescending, and saturated with victory induced arrogance.

 The tipsy captain withdrew his sword. "Have it your way, then. We'll dual for it, and I won't go easy on you just because you're showing me your chest, missy," he said, giving you a cocky grin in return.

 "Shut up and pace," you growled, drawing your dagger. He turned and stepped back three paces and you did the same. One of your men stepped between you two and began to recite the rules. Once that was out of the way, so was the deckhand and the fight began. He struck, you parried and swung, he dodged. You stepped forward, he stepped back, neither of you getting a shot in. This carried on for quite some time until your blades locked. You strained and pushed, but slowly you were losing ground. He had an advantage after all; his sword was bigger.

 With one swift swipe and a swoosh and clatter, he had disarmed you and knocked you to the ground. You looked up in utter disbelief at the sharp, shiny metal point pointed between you breasts. That dangerous blade would be the loss of not only your gold and your honor, but your life as well. Your wide, defeated, slightly terrified eyes traveled up the deadly peice, across a rough hand, ascended past a well-dressed arm, a shoulder, a neck, to the face of your Grim Reaper. There was no victory on this face, no anger, no satisfaction, just cold determination. Like one possessed by dark magic, he raised his death weapon high into the dark sky. The thing glistened wickedly in the scant light, summoning death with its evil beacon. You closed your eyes, your chest growing tight with anticipation of you sweet chariot coming to whisk you away from this harsh, trivial life.

 It never came. Slowly, you opened your eyes, half afraid of what you may find. What you found was Captain Arthur Kirkland standing before you with the sword dangling at his side like a grotesque extension of his arm. The look on his face was how you felt when first realized that your supposed end was toweing over you; it was a look of complere and total defeat. He tossed the sword far away without another word then walked away, leaving you more baffled than you had ever felt before.

 As the shock subsided, one question arose in your mind; "Why?" you said, the question resonating in the still air. Kirkland stopped, he head tilted toward you to listen.

 You picked yourself up off the ground, your knees wobbling slightly as you rose. "Why did you spare me?" you asked.

 "I suppose it's because I couldn't kill a girl. It would haunt me in my sleep," he said, rubbing his head.

 The old fire in your soul rekindled itself as you felt your blood simmering. "Why is it any different?" You had dealt with this sort of prejudice all your life. It was why you had become a pirate in the first place, living on the wrong side of the law to prove that you could be tougher than any man. You would show them, you would show all of them just how deadly you could be, starting with Kirkland.

 Kirkland didn't say anything, just smirked. You slapped that smirk clean off his face. "Damn you!" you growled.

 Kirkland's head whipped back from the force of your hand. He chuckled as he turned his head toward you again. "You sure do like beating me up, don't you missy?" he said.

 "Treat me as an equal, Kirkland. I'm like you, woman or not. I lost the duel, now kill me like I deserve," you said, making yourself and easy target.

 Kirkland grabbed his sword, and moved towards you. You closed your eyes, expecting pain. Instead, you felt something warm and soft gently carressing your lips. Your eyes snapped open to see Arthur Kirkland directly in front of you, smirking more obnoxiously than ever. "Did that peirce you heart Captain _______?" he murmured softly.

 "You dirty rat," you answered before giving in to a second heated kiss. From that moment on, you knew you would be seeing a whole lot more of Captain Arthur Kirkland.

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