Okay so this is kinda filler and I dont think it is brilliant, but promise next update will be better and longer. Thanks for all the votes and comments!!!
Nates POV
As soon as I heard her scream I was stunned out my frozen state and shifted into my wolf immediatly heading towards her house.I sprinted up the driveway while calling out to my pack for help. I felt pain go through my body showing that it was her who was in pain and the thought was making me run even faster. I blasted through the frount doors tearing them off and following my mates scent. I was lead to a back garden where I saw something that made me feel a impossible amount of anger.
My mate was on the floor barely breathing with a dozen or so wolfs around her. They were in human form but I could tell they were a strong group. But none of that mattered. They had hurt my mate. I would fight or kill anyone that has hurt my mate. Suddenly three of the teenagers came running at me shifting into their wolf form but they were no match against the anger I felt. I shoved each of them roughly away as I aimed at the alpha. I could tell by the power vibe he let off that me was strong yet he was surprised by my bigger appearence.
My pack arrived seconds later attacking the other members while I dealt with the Alpha. He was very powerful and a exellent fighter, I will give him that, but I was better by far. I had been training for years so it was a pretty even fight. He had given me a few scratches and bites but none of that affected me as I knew I had to finish him off quickly so I could deal with my mate, whose heartbeats were getting slower by the second. It would only be minutes before they would stop completly and I wasnt going to let that happen just because of a stupid alpha. I ran at him with full speed and knocked him out with pleasure. I had given him a lot of injuries but none deadly. I hated having to leave him alone but my mate needed me.
I shifted back and saw some of my pack surrounding her, protecting her from everyone else, and I felt pride strike my chest as I ran to her side where Charlie was holing her wrist and keeping a eye on her pulse. It wasnt steady but it was there and that was enough for me. I picked her up carefully due to all of the injuries I felt and saw. Somehow, even with all the blood on her face and body, she still looked like the most beautiful creature to walk this earth.
I raced the whole way home and got there in minutes then raced to my room where I laid her on the bed just as the pack doctor entered the room. "Okay, what happened?" He asked sitting down and hurriedly checking her eyes with his small light. I started to pace as I answered him. "I dont know. She hasnt eaten in ages and there is blood everywhere and..." I hurried out feeling more nervous then before as the doctor stood up. "You need to get out of here alpha. She is going to need a lot of treatment and you cant see how bad she is before she gives you permission. You know she would hate to be violated" The pak doctor was one of the smartest men alive and was one of the closet people I was to in my pack. That was why I listened to him and stormed out the room and sat outside falling to the floor letting out the tears that I had been trying so desperately trying to keep in.
After a few minutes I felt Charlies precense next to me and felt his arm go round my shoulder in support, and for once.....I didnt object to it.
Hours went by and I hated every second that I had to sit there and wait. The house was quiet and waiting for any signs for their future female alpha to be alright. Finally the door opened and I stood up looking at the doc who was looking grim but a little pleased. He gestured his head for me to come in and when I did, I nearly fainted. Her face was bruised and red along with the rest of her body. Her arms were on show where there was cut and burn marks and too many bruises to count. Her body looked so fragile and broken that I immediatly walked up to it and sat on the chair, kissing her hand sending shockwaves through my body.

Just Ella
HorrorI hated my family. And I know every teenage girl says this but they probably weren't a slave. They probaly were alowed to go out after school and have fun with their mates. They probably didnt have to clean up every mess in the house and obey every...