Chapter 1: Home Again

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I walked down the street cautiously. I always hated walking home at night even when I was a naive high school girl. The window howls almost like a wolf. This town has always been so creepy with its pitch black woods and creepy old mansion. I remember the kids used to get in trouble for hanging out in Dark-Light Mansion because the Keplers still own it. Personally I feel as thought that dumb thing looks like something out of the movie It or Pretty Little Liars. I heard the town gossip though about my niece, Cara who ventured in the woods all the time and the missing sheriff Chris. I knew Chris. I used to think he was hot but I heard he was hung up on Scarlet Kepler. Every damn man in this forsaken town was in love with Scarlet Kepler, she was drop dead gorgeous. Personally I was happy being friends with Louisa Quinn and Dawn Loomis, I never had an interest in hanging with any of the Kepler kids as well liked as they were. The clock tower sounds off signaling 6:00pm. I wrap my sweater around myself tighter. I really wish I had woke up on time for church and not waited until later in the day to go. I also should've driven instead of walking, stupid ten day flat stomach work out. I approach the old antique shops that are dark and closed of course. I'm almost home. I hear a spine chilling howl. It's probably just some coyote, as much as I don't believe it. There's some weird legends about the families who live here. I'm not one for folklore but I like a good story. My personal favorite was always Beauty and the Beast. Something about how amazingly strong Belle was made me want to be her. I dressed up as her for almost every Halloween in elementary school. Not the fake Disney princess Belle, no, the real her. I couldn't stand how romanticized it all was with Disney fairytales. I approach the "Storybook" cafe and head up the flight of stairs next to it and up to the apartment above it. I unlock the door and take in the old lady smell that occupies the apartment.

"Hello Grandmere." I greet.

"Evening Celine, how was church?" She asks from the cushy chair in front of the tv.

"It was okay. Father Damian hasn't changed one bit." I grin and kiss her cheek.

"I hear that darn howling again." She shakes her head.

"I heard it too." I giggle.

"That dang Lopez family needs to stop having babies, there's too much howling going on." Grandmere laughs.

"Ah yes what's the legend again?" I ask sitting in the chair next to her.

"Yes see the Lopez was cursed by the same witch that cursed the Beast of Gevaudan, as in Beauty and the Beast

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"Yes see the Lopez was cursed by the same witch that cursed the Beast of Gevaudan, as in Beauty and the Beast. All their children bare the treacherous curse and must feed on the blood moon." She explains with passion.

"Ah yes, isn't Cara apart of their lineage, the product of Easton Lopez and Scarlet Kepler?" I giggle.

"There's something funny about Cara, I'm trying to tell Erik the girl isn't normal." Grandmere shakes her head.

"Grandmere, Cara isn't a werewolf." I giggle.

"Pish posh I know the truth." She wags her finger at me. I roll my eyes. The legends of this town is what tore my family apart. Grandmere and Grandpa were obsessed with the tales. Grandpa was hunting werewolfs until he wasn't able to and never found substantial evidence. My mom hated the legends and my dad did too. But my mom went missing in October when I was fifteen....her body was found near the town line and they couldn't determine the cause of death. Grandmere convinced Dad it had something to do with the legends and Dad has been out chasing the mystery ever since. My older brother Erik refuses to even listen to the legends. My sister Aurora went to school far away in New York and never really came back much. I went away to school in Seattle up north and lived in Seattle for three years after school. My dad just chased the legends as far as Europe I guess. I haven't spoken to him in years let alone my own sister Aurora. I came back because Erik has been so busy with his life and his husband and daughter he hasn't bothered to visit Grandmere. I wouldn't be surprised if Cara has never even met Grandmere. Erik acts as though Grandmere is someone to be ashamed of. I don't know that I'll stay in Woodson Creek for long but probably a few months.

"Do you know Cara very well?" Grandmere asks shaking me from my thoughts.

"No. The last time I saw her is when I left for college when she was only eleven." I shrug.

"Hmm." Grandmere says.

"Well I'm going to turn in early. I made plans to meet my friend Louisa for breakfast tomorrow." I say rising from my chair.

"Celine Belle, do you think Erik will come visit us?" Grandmere asks thoughtfully.

"Oh, I will make sure he does." I say viciously. I head to the spare bedroom and change into pajamas. I lay in bed. As I shit my eyes I hear more howling. "You know what you saw that night" a voice from within says. I shake the thought. I saw a coyote that night and I was so drunk that my mind played tricks in me and turned it into something else...I know what I didn't see that night....

Welcome to Dog and two.....

book two

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