Chapter 2: Old Friends and Foes

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I sat in the coffee shop sipping my tea gingerly. The door swung open to reveal a blonde haired beauty walk in. It's Louisa Eberly Quinn. I stand up.

"Hey loser." She greets me with a hug.

"Oh Quinn, you never could pull off the winner look." I grin smugly.

"Hey we were kick ass captains back in our day." She laughs as she sits down.

"We were

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"We were. Best girls soccer team in the state." I grin.

"Man I missed you." She says tossing he hair back over her shoulders.

"Me too. You were the only senior that could take a freshman as a captain seriously." I chuckle.

"Hey you deserved the role, mad respect." She giggles.

"So what've you been up to lately?" I ask taking another sip of my tea.

"Oh....nothing my life has been uneventful." She shrugs unconvincingly.

"Come on has Trevor put a ring on it yet?" I ask.

"Trevor passed away." She says looking at her feet.

"Oh God in sorry." I say grabbing her hands.

"It's okay. It was back in the fall." She shrugs.

"Damn. What happened?" I ask.

"Uh he was a bear." She shrugs.

"A bear?" I ask. Something tells me she's lying...I can't put my finger on it.

"Yeah a bear. There's been like four deaths by bears around here....uh I think it killed our old sheriff too." Louisa leans back in her chair.

"A bear is doing all this? Damn." I shake my head.

"At least that's what we think." She mumbles almost inaudibly.

"Oh is Grandmere spreading those damn legends again." I whisper.

" have no idea." Louisa shakes her head.

"Don't tell me you believe her." I say dropping her hands.

"I can't say one way or the other...Have you spoken to Cara yet?" Louisa asks.

"No! Why is everyone asking me that? do you know Cara?" I say.

"I gotta run, I have an appointment with Madam Tawny, I'm sorry. You really should consider giving Cara a call." Louisa gets up and gathers her items hastily before handing me a slip of paper and walking out. I sit there dumbfounded. I flip over the piece of paper to see a phone number. This is getting creepy. The little bell on the door rings and a girl with tan skin and dark hair walks in.

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