Chapter 7: The Curse

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A few nights later, Louisa and I decided to pay a visit to Dark Light Mansion. As we walked through the mansion, Louisa had her rifle poised to shoot. There isn't anything in Dark Light Mansion. No furniture or remnants. As we made our way towards the basement, I took a deep breath.

"It's alright, Cece, we will get him, and keep you safe." Louisa reassures. I open the door and we head down the basement. The first thing we notice is that the vault door is gone. I run over to the spot where it once was.

"What the...." I look around me for any explanation.

"Geez...this curse really wants to take the town." Louisa sighs.

"Now what do we do?" I begin to pace.

"How many days do we have left until the petal drops?" Louisa asks.

"I have no idea, it was in Madam Tawny's shop." I shrug.

"I bet that old bat cursed the town herself! Why is her shop at the center of all of our problems huh?" Louisa cocks her rifle.

"Louisa, Wait we can't just make accusations." I point out.

"Watch me! I ain't about to get swallowed by a curse and turned into a cupcaking, flower lovin, singing Disney princess." Louisa raises her voice as she storms up the stairs.

"Did you just use cupcake as a verb?" My eyes widen.

"I will use whatever I damn please!" She hisses as we get into her truck. The truck roars to life and she floors it in reverse, down the driveway and onto the dirt road. Her foot must've been on the gas petal the whole time towards town. We came screeching in towards the fortune shop. Louisa hops out, rifle in hand. She stomps her way into the shop.

"Alright Tawny, the jig is up. We know you cursed the town." Louisa yells.

"Are you crazy?!" I exclaim.

"I'm just seeking vengeance, she'll fix this and give us our normal lives back." Louisa argues.

"What is the meaning of this?" Madam Tawny seems to just appear in the doorway.

"You cursed this town and brought hell down on us, now fix it!" Louisa commands.

"I did no such thing Louisa Quinn! Now, you both better leave my shop before I call the sheriff

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"I did no such thing Louisa Quinn! Now, you both better leave my shop before I call the sheriff." Madam Tawny hisses as she goes towards the phone on her desk.

"Noah doesn't scare me, I went to school with him. Now give up the ghost Tawny!" Louisa shouts.

"You've gone mad!" Madam Tawny accuses as she picks up the phone.

"Louisa, we can fix this." I attempt.

"If you don't want to be arrested, leave now Cece." Louisa commands.

"What's going on?" A voice from the doorway asks. I turn to see Dawn standing there.

"This doesn't concern you." Louisa grumbles.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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