Chapter Four

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After Zayn left I just sat there dumbstruck like an idiot. Of course I didn’t think I was acting like an idiot until Gavin pointed it out.

“Why are you still sitting there?” Justin asked.

“Um,” was all that I could say at the moment.

“You look like an idiot,” Gavin claimed. No sugar coating with that one.

“Thanks,” I sneered before getting up.

“I think you like him,” Gavin used a sing-song voice.

“I think you’re wrong,” I mimicked him.

“It obvious,” Justin stated.

“If I like him then you guys are both girls,” I responded.  Immediately they stopped accusing me.

“We are not girls!” they whined in unison.

“Yeah, girls have cooties,” Gavin added. “And we don’t have cooties so we can’t be girls.”

“Nice logic. Aren’t you a little too old for the whole girls have cooties thing?” I asked, fearing for their sanity. I had heard about people who have medical conditions where they always act like someone considerably younger than them. I did not want to deal with someone like that all the time.

“Whatever,” Gavin said and stomped up the stairs, Justin trailing behind him.

Though I was glad they were done bothering me I was upset that they left me alone. Well I wasn’t alone. I was with the worst possible thing to be with at that time.

My thoughts.

It’s not that I don’t like to be with myself and my thoughts normally, it’s just that at the time I was thinking about one thing and one thing only.


You see I was usually pretty good at reading people and understanding how they work, but I was at a total loss with Zayn. He kept himself boxed in and only opened the boxed to close it again tighter.

I laughed at myself. Was I really giving this much thought to a guy like Zayn? After all he never talked to anyone unless forced to. I had only properly met him that day and he was invading my brain like some alien from Justin’s video games.

I shook it off. I told myself that the only reason I was giving so much thought to him was because I didn’t understand him.

I planted myself on the couch in front of the TV. I turned it to Friends. I’m not sure when I fell asleep but I’m sure it was early. It was weird because it wasn’t much after 7 and I had taken a nap, but the day was stressful and crazy.

It was well after 10 AM when I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

“Who could be calling this early?” I groaned in the most cliché way possible.

“Honey, its 10:27,” my mom greeted me. “Reece is calling you,” she handed me my phone.


“Hey Avery,” he slurred.

“Um, Reese?”

“Yeah babe?”

“Is there something wrong?” I asked him bluntly.

“Why would you ask that?” He classically ignored my question by asking another one.

“Because you called me. You never call me.” I reminded him. It was true. No matter how many times I wished upon a shooting star or whatever he had never called me before.

“Well, that was before we started dating. I didn’t want to look desperate,” he admitted. My heart flipped. I had been thinking about Zayn so much that I had forgotten that Reece and I were an item.

I replied simply with, “Oh.”

“So I wanted to know if you wanted to go out with me later?” He asked as if there was a possibility that I would say no.

“Of course,” I replied simply.

He gasped. It was a fake gasp. One of the kind you make when you’re not surprised and you want someone to think you are. Except Reece wasn’t exactly the best actor around.

“You’re actually going to go with me?” The level of cockiness in his voice exceeded normal levels.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?” I asked.

“I’m just surprised you are not going to ditch me for that Zayn kid.”

“Why would I do that?” I asked flatly.

He chuckled as if I was a student and he was a teacher and I had just asked an incredibly ridiculous question. “Because you’ve done it before,” he stated as if it was obvious.

“Look,” I was clenching my teeth together. “I didn’t choose to be partnered up with Zayn. It just happened. And it’s not like I actually like the freak. Last night he just showed up at my house, told me he would do all the work, and left. Nothing happened. You don’t need to worry about him.”

He completely ignored my statement. “I didn’t Zayn would be a hit it and quit it kind of guy.”

I was so mad at him right then that I just started laughing. “I don’t think he’s ever hit anything.”

I knew I would regret making fun of Zayn later, but right then I couldn’t be bothered to care.

“That’s my girl,” I could tell Reece was pleased with my answer.

“So what time are we meeting up?”

“Around 6:00 tonight.”


“You know the park by Starbucks?” He asked.

“Of course.” I rolled my eyes. Starbucks was pretty much a daily ritual for me, no matter how much I didn’t want to admit it. I was very familiar with the run down/abandoned park directly adjacent to it. It wasn’t exactly the best place for a first date, but if it was good enough for Reece, it was good enough for me.

“Good, so you’ll be there?”

“Yes, where else would I be?” I asked immediately regretting it. “Don’t answer that,” I commanded, knowing it would be some attack on Zayn.

“Okay, babe see you then.” I could practically hear him winking.

After he hung up I sprinted upstairs to get myself ready for what I thought would be a date.

A/N: Wow I havent updated is forever! I basically fell of the face of the earth but whatever because now I am back. I promise I will update more frequently from now on.

So anyways... What did you think? I know it was a short chapter but I would love some feedback from you guys. And what do you think the "date" will really be?

See you soon,


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