Chapter Seven

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Immediately I ducked my head, trying to hide myself from him. Zayn gave me a sideways look but soon connected the dots as soon as he saw Reece.  Reece strode past us and up to the barista. I took that opportunity to run to the bathroom when he wasn’t looked. I may have looked like and idiot in my heels, but I didn’t have the time to care. As soon as I flung the bathroom door open, I breathed in a sigh of relief. I took a good look in the mirror at myself. I smoothed at my hair, which had turned into a disaster. What happened to me?

Here I was, the queen of them all, running from my own boyfriend. Because I was hanging out with Zayn? Where had my dignity gone? Yeah, Zayn wasn’t that bad of a guy, but did I really want to be seen in public with him?

I ran my hand through my hair again, checking for softness. I did my best to make sure there were no wrinkles in my blue dress. I walked out of the bathroom and pretended that I was just here coincidentally. Almost immediately Reece spotted me.

“Hey babe,” he whispered in my ear.

“Hey,” I responded shyly. A little too shyly.

“Is there anything wrong?” I smiled at his sweetness.

“No, I just wasn’t expecting you here,” I explained. Not a lie at all, that’s for sure.

“Oh cool. I’m excited for our date.” His voice sounded like a winky face emoji.  Not that it mattered, I was just glad I was in the clear.  Or at least I thought I was. Just then I realized I wasn’t holding my signature drink. In fact, my famous strawberry and crème frap was sitting across the table from Zayn. I mentally face palmed myself. How could I be so stupid?

Reece must have followed my gaze because he said, “I can’t believe they let people like him in here.”

“Yeah,” was all I said.

Reece also took note of the drink across from Zayn. “Look, he’s even waiting for someone. Like anyone would ever go anywhere with him.”

I had had enough. Yes, Reece was my boyfriend, but no one deserved to be talked about that way. Especially no one as harmless as Zayn.

“You know, he has a name. He’s an actual person. He’s not that different from you. What do you have against him anyway? What did he do to you?” I spat. As soon as I said it I took a step back, bracing myself. 

“Why are you yelling at me? Just the other day you were saying the exact same things about him and now you’re some Super Woman? What the hell is up with that?” He turned to leave but not before saying, “Why don’t you just go home and get ready for our date? You look like hell.”

Tears were forming but I didn’t care. “No, I’ll take a rain check. On this date and every date after.”

“Are you breaking up with me?”

“You tell me,” I stormed past him and ran out the door. I took a last glance at Zayn, whose eyes were wide, indicating he had seen the whole thing.

It turns out I hadn’t missed much on the “date” I passed on. At about twelve o’clock I was sitting in my bed and checking my social media, my nightly ritual. My Instagram feed was covered in pictures from a party in the park where our date was going to be. I wasn’t surprised to see Reece sucking some other girl’s face in the background of one of the pictures. I wasn’t even hurt in the slightest. I waited for the tears to come, but they wouldn’t. I had chased this guy for weeks and as soon as I left him he turned around and picked another girl. Why wouldn’t I be crying? I was beginning to wonder if I ever had feelings in the first place when I fell asleep.

I was abruptly awoken by a text message from Zayn. How did he get my number? Did I give it to him? I couldn’t even remember.

I’m sorry, it read.

Don’t be. It wasn’t your fault. I responded.

He replied almost immediately. I can’t help but wonder if I wasn’t there…

It’s okay, I’m better off without him.

When Zayn didn’t reply, I wondered if I had said too much. Then my cell phone rang.

“Hey,” he breathed.

“Hey,” I smiled even though I knew Zayn couldn’t see it.

“So, don’t you think we should get to work on our project?” He asked, his shyness seemed to return. As cute as it was, it did get quite annoying.

“Totally. My place or yours?” I giggled.

“Probably mine, I already have all the materials for the experiment.”

Of course you do, I thought, and then proceeded to say out loud, earning a laugh from him.

“I’ll text you the address.”

“I’ll be over in twenty,” I responded.


Wow it's been a while, oops.

Sorry if anything in this part doesn't add up to the previous parts, I forgot some little details and was too lazy to read through it.

Anyways, I hope you like it and please vote or comment if you did!


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