Part 6

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*Third person pov* 

Hana was on her way back to her and Kakashi's house, she was happily skipping through the village when she saw the green suit guy. Not knowing he was with a couple of others she smiled and walked up to him. 

"Excuse me?" She smiled softly, Guy turned around and his eyes sparkled. 

"My youthful flower, it is great to see that you are alright." He smiled. 

"I just wanted to thank you for bringing me here Guy, and was wondering if there was anything you would like help with." She replied. 

"Hmm. I could use some help training these young youths." Guy replied gesturing to his team. Standing there was a girl with two buns in her hair smirking, beside her was a brunette boy with long hair and a scowl on his face. The last one looked like a miniature version of Guy. 

"Alright." She replied giggling.  Guy gave his signature pose and a thumbs up. 

"Let's go train!" He yelled. "Everyone get to training ground 10 in one minute or you will have to do 600 push ups with one hand!" 

"Where's training ground 10?" Hana asked tilting her head cutely. 

"Tch, try to keep up." The brunette scowled. 

"GO!" Guy yelled. Hana sped past Neji and decided to follow Lee's lead.  Hana was right behind Lee, and they made it in 10 seconds.

"Wow, you are very fast." Lee smiled. "I am Lee."

"I'm Hana." She smiled. "I hope you'll have fun getting your butt kicked. . . By me."

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