First Meetings

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Sept. 6, 2012: Slink City Hospital

    Rasher's eyes opened and the man next to him smiled. He held his hand tightly as Rasher mouthed "I love you". Jullian tried his best to keep from crying though it didn't work well. "I love you too baby" he said and held Rasher close. And for the last time the two kissed and with one last grin, Rasher's eyes slowly closed and he passed on. The cancer had finally won. Julian took off his top hat and placed it on Rasher's head. He wouldn't be needing it ever again.


Sept.13, 2012: Slink City Cemetery

     Julian watched as they lowered the only person he ever loved into the ground. It was a small service. Basically himself, Rasher's sister, Barbie and Grace, The Scholar, and a woman He had never met but hey, anybody was invited. Julian placed flowers on Rasher's chest, straightened the top hat on his head and watched the casket go all the way down. Falling to his knees Julian cried and decided The Master of Mayhem died and was buried that day with Rasher.


Sept.6, 2014: Grief meeting at the Slink City community center

Julian sat in his grief meeting. It had been two years since the only person he ever loved died. He had come to these meetings everyday since then. He never missed one. He never wore anything but a dull grey business suit either. He wasn't, no he couldn't, ever be that man he was.

The meeting started and like always Julian volunteered to go first. "My name is Julian Slink, and two years ago I lost the most important person in my life, Rasher Slink, to brain cancer. He was my world and for him I continue on" Julian said and sat down.

The next person was about to speak when there was a gentle knock on the door. The man who ran the meetings got up and opened it and Julian noticed the woman from the funeral walk in.

He hadn't noticed anything about her at the funeral but she had beautiful silver hair and deep purple eyes. She sat down next to him. Sitting down the meeting runner said "everyone this is Koreanne and she will be joining us. Koreanne would you like to introduce yourself"? Koreanne nodded shyly and said "my name is Koreanne Forrister and I lost my mother a month ago and I thought I should seek some help" she said and sat down quickly.

Julian noticed she was crying and offered her a tissue. She thanked him and took it, gently dabbing her eyes just like Rasher when he cried. Julian shook his head. He was doing it again. Seeing Rasher in everyone he met. Julian quietly sat through the rest of the meeting.

Afterwards, Julian was talking with some of the others when Koreanne came over. He offered her a drink. She smiled, thanked him and took it. "I noticed you at Rasher's funeral" Julian said quietly. Koreanne nodded. "I had met him on a few occasions when I went to the Mayhem parties. He was really kind to me so I wanted to pay my respects" Koreanne said softly. Julian smiled and said "thank you for coming, he would've been grateful" Julian said holding back the tears he wanted to let out.

Without even noticing, Koreanne had pulled Julian close to her and he was crying. Really crying, like the day he lost Rasher. After many minutes, Julian pulled away and wiped his eyes. "How would you like to grab a coffee sometime?" Julian asked out of the blue. Koreanne nodded and they made plans for that Saturday.


Sept. 6, 2016: Movie Plex

    Koreanne and Julian walked out of the movie theater. Julian hadn't paid much attention to the movie because he had something on his mind. Something he thought he wouldn't ever say again.

    They headed over to Rasher's grave as they did every year on their anniversary. He was as much a part of their lives as each other and they shared everything with him. Julian planted fresh flowers on his grave and turned to Koreanne and said "Koreanne over the past two years I've grown to love and care again. I thought when I lost Rasher, I lost that but you saved me from myself, just like Rasher. I know this probably isn't where you dreamed of being asked but Koreanne Forrister will you be my wife"? Koreanne teared up and nodded her head. "I couldn't think of anywhere more special to be asked and it's a definite yes" she said kissing him as he slipped the engagement ring on her finger. He slipped his on top of his wedding ring he got when he married Rasher. He wouldn't take it off and Koreanne respected that. They planned a summer wedding right here at the cemetery so Rasher could be a part of it.


July 8, 2016: Slink City Cemetery: Rasher Slink's Grave

    It was a small ceremony but it was their's. Grace, Barbie and the Scholar showed up for Julian and Koreanne's sister and brother came. They said their vows with the same preacher who married Julian and Rasher. After the ceremony everyone was getting ready to head back to Julian's mansion for the reception except Julian and Koreanne. They opened the first bottle of champagne right there to share with Rasher. After a toast Koreanne headed to the limo while Julian said his goodbye for the night. As Julian was getting ready to go he felt arms wrap around him and Rasher whispered in his ear "I'm so happy for you, be happy again Julian Slink" and with those words and a ghostly peck of the cheek Rasher was again gone.

    Shaken but happy Julian started to walk when he noticed something on his head. He reached up and smiled. It was his hat, that's what Rasher must've meant about being happy again. Julian gave his world class smirk and headed to the limo.


Sept.6, 2017: Slink Cemetery: Rasher's Grave

    Koreanne and Julian rushed over to Rasher's grave bursting with exciting news. "We listened Rash and have decided to renew the Blood Drive. It's going to be called the Rasher Memorial Blood Drive and we wanted you to be the first to know" Koreanne said excitedly. "Your master of mayhem is back Rash and is ready to turn the town red, literally hopefully" Julian said with utter excitement. A cool breeze wrapped itself around them and they knew he approved. The rest of the afternoon Koreanne and Julian just sat at Rasher's grave and planned out the next exciting chapter of The Blood Drive.

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