Chapter One

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First Impression

It was a different city; the sky above him looked darker, the stars unfamiliar; the air smelt nothing like home; but even then, he was surrounded by people just the same. Omkara was feeling like an idiot, for letting Jai drag him to this place. He felt irritated with himself that his eyes sorted her out, as if they were cursed to notice everything that was corrupt. He felt stupid for feeling drawn to her, for letting his heart form a kind of trust in her, even for a little moment. He felt betrayed for no real reason.

He and Jai had met exactly half a decade later. The later had been across the globe, managing his father’s business in USA right after graduation. It was kind of fate that their interests had to conflict after so many years. It all came down to a merger Oberois were interested in. While they had been under the impression that all the partners were favorably disposed towards their proposal, one of them had sold out his shares to Ragav; Jai’s father; who had until then been a minor share holder had suddenly became the decisive factor of the entire deal. Shivay; who never liked anyone else being more informed or having the upper hand over him (after firing the people responsible for the lack of research) had decided that it would be beneficial if Omkara could pull out his old ties with Ragav’s family, namely by the means of his best friend of collage and university; Jai. So here he was; letting the man exploit the same advantage over him by dragging him to a reputed nightclub in Delhi under the claim that he had the full right to spend as much time as he could with his lost and found best friend.

“O’ have you taken an oath that you won’t drop this rotten facade of yours?” Jai’s voice boomed somewhere near his ear, jerking him out of his trance into the earsplitting music and the flashing neon lights of the present that surrounded him. Jai was leaning against the counter, his eyes not on him, but scanning the crowd, a glass already clasped on his hand. In that fleeting moment Omkara realized the time had made no change in the person beside him, he was still the jolly man of yore. On one side he was glad about it, at least some part of his life remained the way it was, on the other side he could not help but feel a little jealous. How could the fates had troubled him so much and let this guy escape unscathed?

He tried to smile, for the sake of concern that glittered in Jai’s eyes. He could do without adding to the list of people who worried for him, on the other hand he wanted to make sure Jai was on his side, when the talk would turn into business.

“Now that looks more pathetic, I wonder how you manage it,” Jai narrowed his eyes, slamming his glass on the table. “Now it looks like you’ve a toothache mate!”

“J,” Omkara reprimanded him in a low voice, already tired of the crowd and the noise. This was one of the aspects of his friend that he did not appreciate much. The man had a thing for parties which sadly Omkara did not share. It had been one of the mysteries left unsolved during their university life, everyone around them wondered how did the devil and saint (as they were called) ended up being room mates. Now he looked back Omkara always thought it was a part of his destiny to be associated with someone from the complete opposite of spectrum; cause in the later years Ruddy had turned out to be an exact copy of Jai, minus the eyebrow piercing and the blond highlights on his gelled up hair. “You know very well that I’m not thrilled to be dragged and tossed about right?”

Looking at him, Jai gave him a crooked smile, finally looking satisfied.

“You have to accept it O, the years had done a very little to you too. You’re still the same…with swan wings flapping on your back!”

For a moment the words made a hilarious picture in his mind, he almost laughed. Trying to get that vision of himself with typical angel wings out of his mind, Omkara’s eyes travelled over the crowd. That, he should not have done.

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