Chapter six

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Here we go to chapter six, the story is picking up now. I'm apologetic about the length of chapters, but I really can't work on anything longer than this at the moment. Hopefully you will enjoy!!

Chapter 6


Cowards run, while the brave chase. Ri could not recall who had told her that, but was sure it was so long ago, when she had been anything but a child. She was not a coward, hence she did not run. Instead, she stood there, leaning against the dark gray pillar outside the tattoo pallor, scowling at the untimely rain that was pouring down on the asphalt. She would not let him think she was some kind of a weak girl. A lightening flashed across the angry purple sky, highlighting the silver of the clouds as Omkara stepped out. He did not notice her immediately, instead he walked to the car he had parked a few feet away, unmindful of the rainwater that ran down his face.

"I need a ride," she called after him, still glaring straight ahead and in a bossy tone.

"Get in," he replied in a equally careless note, neither stopping not turning around to look at her as he opened the car door and disappeared inside. Ri did not move, as she watched him, her eyes narrowed and hands on her hips. The person who said that Shivay Singh Oberoi had a huge attitude problem surely never met this brother of his. Ri snorted. Maybe it was a family problem.

Omkara caught himself admiring her from his rear mirror. She stood there sheltered from the rain, her view blurred from the endlessly pouring shower, her hands on her hips. She did not make a move to walk towards the car and simply stood there glaring at it. Omkara was no fool, he knew straight away that asking for this favor had some ulterior motive most probably like the juvenile stunt she pulled at the poolside the other day. She did not seem like a girl who had a problem in finding her way back. He would not have minded either, under different circumstances, but this was not a place he would willingly leave her stranded. The engine purred, as he honked twice, still watching her reaction from the mirror.

Ri pursed her lips, fisting her hands. She would not run behind him, even if he was the last option of reaching home. Even if she had plans of teaching him a lesson. But by then she knew, he was not going to reverse for her. She had realized it a long before that wooing Omkara was not a child's play. Her charms did not matter two hoots to him and he had an ego that was no smaller than hers. From a silly game it had turned into a battle of egos and she would  not win without sacrifices. He honked again, exhaling deeply, Ri marched towards the car. Before she pulled it open herself, he pushed the door open for her. Ri pulled it shut as she settled down, with a furious snap. The car smoothly glided away from the shabby tattoo shop.

Ri stared ahead, watching Omkara from her peripheral vision. Strands of wet hair were plastered to the sides of his neck, raindrops dangled from their free ends. Ri gulped a knot in her throat, her eyes chasing the path of a particular raindrop trailing down his chiseled jaw and along his throat, vanishing into his collar.

He slammed the breaks suddenly, making her jerk out of her trance.

"Finished?" He asked, still looking ahead. Ri looked around, realizing they were waiting for the signals to change.

"What?" She shrugged rubbing her hands together.

"Checking me out?"

"Huh!" She snorted, hugging herself. "As if...!"

She was about to say more, when his mobile buzzed and he adjusted his Bluetooth, the signals changed to green.

"Yes, Mr. Oberoi..."

Ri raised her eyebrows, Mr. Oberoi? She looked at him, frowning and saw that his expression had changed. He was gritting his teeth listening to the other side. The conversation was bitter, and restricted to short one word answers. Ri tuned it out, snuggling comfortably in the passenger seat and watched with satisfaction as the caller irritated the hell out of Omkara.

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