Silly Little Me (boyxboy)

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Hey guys :) I'm 14, so this is the first story i've written so please don't be too harsh about it. THIS IS A BOY X BOY NOVEL! therefore, don't read it if you don't like guy romances. No hate on gay love please people! Also, I won't usualy ask for votes (I promise!!) but, can i get 5 votes on this chapter before i upload the next?? :3 so we go...

*This hasn't been checked for any spelling/grammer errors!!*

"BOO!" came the voice of my best friend Kaitlyn as she tried yet again to wake me up.

"Shit Kat" i growled, "!What was that for?! You don't just wake me up like that! Not when I'm sleeping!" I slowly rolled out of bed and landed in a heap on the floor, much to the amusement of me oh so nice best friend. 

Kat smirked down at me before reaching out an arm to help me up again. As I reached out my arm my sleeve fell down, revealing yet more bright red scars covering my wrists. Kat's face paled as I immediately pulled my sleeve down and jumped up, bracing myself for the storm which was about to come.

"Why Jake?" she whispered, as I began to see tears forming in her eyes. "I thought you'd stopped."

"I tried Kat. I really did, honestly. It's just, I hate it. I hate the way people look at us when we walk past." I laughed without humour. " you the lesbian, and me the gay cutter who never talks to anyone." I saw her flinch at my harsh choice of words but I was beyond caring. The anger that had been boiling up inside me for days now was finally being released. "I hate seeing you bullied constantly because you chose me over them. I don't deserve you're company!" I could see her wanting to interupt as tears began freely flowing down both our faces. "I hate the way I'm too weak to handle anything, and that everytime I cut myself all I feel is disappointment and resentment, instead of pain. I hate the way my parents won't even look at me! They go away for months on end, just because they can't stand looking at me! I remind them too much of him. I know they wish I died instead of him. I've always been one fucking disappointment after another. I WANT TO DIE KAT!"

By the end of my speech I was curled up on the floor, my head resting on my knees,  and tears streaming down my face in a constant flow. For once in my life I wasn't ashamed to be crying.

"You must never think that Jake" I heard Kat slide down the wall and rest her head on my shoulder. "You are the best person I know, and I'm glad I didn't agree to become part of their little group. You're like the brother I never had Jake, and I will never let anything happen to you. And, I know for a fact that your parents love you so fucking much. They absolutely do not wish you had died instead, it's just that Tom's death was a huge emotional blow for everyone close to him, including your parents." She gently caressed the scars covering my wrists and frowned. I hated seeing her upset, and knowing I was the cause. "Come on, I know you don't want to, but we need to get ready for school. I refuse to miss another day of school because you 'couldn't be bothered to go in'" 

I chuckled darkly before giving her a soft smile. "I know. I shouldn't have said those things. I'm sorry Kat." 

"Aw that's OK Jakey Wakey" I growled at the nickname and she stuck her tongue out at me. All the previous troubles suddenly forgotten.

High School. 'The Torture Chamber' as many in our school refer to it as. From all the drama this morning, I realised suddenly that we were very late. 

"Look at that Kat, we're late!" I grinned evily. "There's no point walking in now and disturbing everyone, let's just go home."

"NO!" She screamed at me. "I refuse to miss another day of school. Come on, we're going in whether you like it or not. Your first class is Biology, right?" 

I frowned at her. "Yes."

"Good, now in we go!" she skipped merrily along the car park.

I said goodbye to her at th entrance, before making my way over to the science buildings. From my many years of being bullied, I've learnt the only way to make teachers leave me along is to act fierce. I mean, I could easily pass as being a dangerous person. I have short straight black hair and very striking green eyes. I'm about average height for my age, 16, and I'm also very strong. I don't have an athletes body or anything, infact I'm quite skinny, but I am very capable of taking someone on and probably winning if it came down to a fight. This with my black skinny jeans, black converse, lip ring, MCR shirt and hoodie, gave me what I suppose is quite an alarming appearence. Acting tough to the teachers is the only way I've managed to get this far through High School.

I strolled quite calmly into my biology class, earning a horrid glare form Miss Morton, the teacher. 

"Well Jake, I am pleased you've finally decided to honour us with your fabulous presence." She smirked at me and turned back to the rest of the class.

"Whatever" I grinned back at her, giving her the finger when her back was turned. As I turned to head towards my seat at the back of the class I noticed something. There was a boy sitting in my seat. A cute boy, with mid length blonde hair and dark blue eyes. There was definately something very alluring about him. Wait, no!! I may be gay, and he may be attractive, but no-one fucking sits in my seat! I already don't like him. As I slammed my bags down next to him I felt him flinch and shy away from me. I smirked at him and he gulped. This could be an interesting biology lesson.

*Not proof-read* I have no idea how many pages this will be, so sorry if it's really short. Please leave your opinions in the comments, it would mean a lot to me!!! :) thanks!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2012 ⏰

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