Chapter 4: The Unveiling

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Everytime that Joe and Misty are having their private moments as a couple, Misty kept on thinking of Prince William. She kept on thinking that she's with Prince William. That it's him who sleeps with her, kisses her, hugs her and make love with her. After making love with Joe, she wanted to take a bath at once...Life with Joe is not easy...

Misty tried her best to be a good wife to Joe for the sake of her condition... Few weeks after their wedding, Joe took Misty at their house. Through it, MIsty was able to find Joes diary. It is there where she discovered the truth regarding the girl who approached her  a week before their wedding...telling her that something happened between her and Joe. Which made her decide to retrack the wedding with Joe yet, the mother of Joe told Misty that the show must go on. Even if Misty was hurt with this fact, she just cried in silence coz she needs to consider her condition...

Days passed...MIstys pregnancy became her priority. At her last trimester, her pregnancy became at high risk. Her feet are as big as an elephants feet. At her first weekly check-up, she was with Joe. Yet, her OB-Gyne was rattled because Mistys blood pressure is high.  And, upon her I.E., it's already open for about 4cm. Thus, her doctor adviced her to proceed at the hospital right away. Misty was given some endorsement letters to the hospital.

Upon arrivalat home, Misty informed her Mom that she's about to give birth already. At first, her MOm can't believe it. Then, they showed the endorsement letters to the hospital. So, Misty ws rushed to the hospital. Her condition was closely monitored especially her blood pressure doesn't go down. Her OB- Gyne keeps on coming in and out of her room from 1 in the afternnon 'til 11 in the eve. Yet, Misty kept on smiling. She doesn't feel any sign of labor. Thus, at 2 in the morning, Misty was induced. And, was brought at the delivery room.

At 4 o'clock in the morning, Misty was told that if nothing will change in her condition, she will deliver her baby in a caesarian section. "coz 'til then, her cervix opens at 4cm. So, Misty kept on trying to make it fully dilated. At 5 in the morning, Mistys cervix is fully dilated. Yet, when the doctor saw the baby is almost there, Misty is already weak. So, the doctor decided to transfer her at the operating room. While the operating room is being prepared, Misty kept on looking at the instruments which they are about to use to her. Though she's so nervous 'coz it's her first time to be hospitalized, she just put on her mind, that...after the pain, she will be able to see her baby...

Misty undergone caesarian...When her baby was showed to her, she's quite tippsy but, she was able to recognize the color of the cloth whichthey wraped to her baby. When she went out of the operatingroom, she kept on looking for her Mom and Joe to the place where she left them prior to entering the delivery room yet, they are no longer there.

As she entered her room, even if she was told not to talk, she asked her mom at once if how many baby does she have 'coz she heared her doctor uttered that there are "two" while she was in the operating room. So, she's wondering for such statement 'coz during her ultra sound, they just saw one.

When, her doctor came in, she was able to confirmed that...the doctor referred to the cord lope of the baby. It was ecplained to her that such is also the reason why she had a hard time to deliver her baby in a normal delivery and she suffered from pre-eclampsia. Even if Misty was told to rest, she wasn't able to sleep.

After few minutes, the nurses knocked at Mistys room telling them that they need to bring the baby at the x ray room which made her worried wondering if what's wrong with her baby and if her mom saw her baby.

On the following day, her baby was already delivered in Mistys room. And, Misty was asked to fill-in the data for the birth certificate of her baby. She named her: Princess. At her first glance to her baby... as if she's staring at her "BELOVED" which she just kept to herself...

After a couple of days, Misty and Princess were told bby the doctor that they can already go home on the following day, yet, Joe was only given 20,000 pesos by his parents. Thus, Mistys Mom was worried. So, Misty decided to walk at the corridor of the hospital even if it herwound is aching, she managed to walk with her mom and called her mother in law and informed them that...they may take Princess with them and she will juist stay in the hospital 'coz they can't pay the hospital bills. So, her mother in law told her to let Joe come over early in the morning and, they will be out of the hospital on the following day. Thus, on the following day, Joe went home and went back at the hospital with his MOm and paid the bills in the hospital.

Misty and Princess were brought home before lunch. The, MIstys cousins came over to visit at their house. Misty tried to be strong for the sake of Princess. Yet, a month after giving birth to Princess, Misty decided to take some pills so that she won't get pregnant again. Yet, Misty suffered from hormonal imbalance. So, after  more than, 3 years of taking pills, she decided to sto it. And, got pregnant to her second baby.

When Princess was turning 7, Misty had a trouble with her personal computer. Thus, she decided to call on Prince William. ANd, they were able to talk. Since then, afterMistys class at her post grad, Misty and Prince William are chatting online.

One day, MIsty and Prince William felt the same feelings that they had before... Thus, Misty decided to unveil the truth to Prince William that ...she didn't encounter a miscarriage during her pregnancy... And, Princess is his daughter. This made Prince William burst in tears... This gave way to their constant communication through text and online.

Prince William sent some cds for Princess and during the mothers day, he sent a gift for Misty. But, as time goes by, MIsty was able to tell Prince William with regards to her struggles in her marriage with Joe. So, Prince William decided to cut their communication in order for Misty to keep her marriage with Joe. This...made Misty miserable again. But then again, she tried to give another chance to her marriage with Joe.

Few years passed, Misty gave birth to her 3rd child. And, she decided to have her ligation specially Joe doesn't have a job. Misty faced the peak of her married life with Joe. She just told herself that...she needs to keep her family for the sake of her children. However, everything has an end specially if there's no effort from the other side. Misty decided to be separated with Joe.

After few months, the brother in law of Misty tried to reach for her. Informing her that her mother in law wishes to see her and her grand children. She was also informed that her mother in law is suffering from cervical cancer and under stage 4. So, she decided to re-unite with Joe. Misty brought her children at her in laws place. And, the first gesture that her mother in law did is to put Mistys hand on top of Joes hands which signifies that she wants them to be re-united. So, Misty decided to give Joe a chance for the sake of her mother in law.

Few months after their reconciliation, Mistys mother in law died. MMistys father in law asked for Joe to stay with them in order to help them at home. However, after few months with this scenario, Misty was able to find out that her father in law is having a relationship with a prostitute. So, she decided to have a surprise visit to her husband. Even if Mistys parents are against her decision, Misty push through with her plan. She even brought with her, her 2 kids. Upon going down from the bus, Misty saw 2 ladies at the gate. As she entered the house, JOe didn't even stop on slicing the water melon. Nor even kiss her or hug her or even approach the kids. As Misty stairs at him, she was able to recognize that Joes clothes are not the clothes which Joe took with him in staying there.Hence, she checked on their bedroom. To her dismay, their beddings are not in order. She tried to calm herself by calling her friend at work.She cried while talking to er. Then, she caled up her Mom and she was advised to go home already.

She tried to talk to her father in law that she'll bring home her husband already yet, her father in law told her that he still needs to finish some tasks. So, Misty decided to talk to Joe and convince her to be home already yet, Joe chosed to stay. So, Misty went home with her kids. On the way home, Misty wept...

Misty tried her best to be strong despite the hurtful scenarios in her life...

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