Chapter 2: The Journey

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Misty arrived at her hometown with swollen eyes. Yet, she managed to attend her classes on time even if she wasn't able to have a sound sleep for several nights. Despite the fact that she went out of town for her to meet Prince William, Joe approached her and check if how is she doing. He even invited her for a lunch in a restaurant.HOwever, to his dismay when tears started to fall in Mistys eyes... He embraced Misty in order to consol her. After their classes, Joe accompanied her at her place.

Prince William kept the communication open with Misty. And how time flies! He informed Misty...that he will visit her at their house during christmas break. This made MIsty so excited.

On the 21st of December, Misty recieved a call from Prince William informing her that he's already at the market. So, Rosenda (Mistys niece) accompanied her in fetching Prince William. She was so happy to see Prince William...They embraced each other soooo tight. Then, they proceed at a restaurant for a dinner with Rosenda. After having dinner, Prince William was brought at Mistys Uncle Rogel. However, Mistys Mom decided to bring Prince William in a Hotel near their place, so, they accompanied him there. While Mistys mom was talking to the owner of the hotel, Misty and Prince William checked the bedroom where Prince William kissed her and hug her asking her to stay there with him... Yet, Mistys mom didn't allow her. They just agrred that Misty and Prince William will attend the Misa de Gallo. While Misty and her Mom are about to leave Prince William in the hotel, he still accompanied them 'til the doorway...staring at MIsty as if begging her to stay...

When MISty went out of their house for her to attend the MIsa de Gallo, she went at the hotel to fetch Prince William who's preparing for the mass...They hug and kissed each other then, they attended the mass together.

After attending the Holy Mass, they had their breakfast in a food chain. They agreed together that after Prince William checks out of the hotel, Prince William will already stay at Uncle Rogels house. So, Prince William went back at the hotel to get his things back while Misty went home at their house.

Before lunch time, Prince William was already at Uncle Rogels house. During night time, Mistys Mom with Uncle Rogel were able to talk to Prince William regarding his intentions to Misty. And, through the said conversation, Mistys MOm agreed though she's hesitant especially Misty is about to graduate in April. However, Prince William explained that...they will marry ahead of time for Mistys graduation because he wanna have the assurance that Misty will be his wife already yet, they won't live yet as a husband and wife in one roof 'til she graduates her course.

On the following day, Mistys mom accompanied Misty and Prince William at the MUnicipal Hall to process their requirements for their wedding. However, Prince William is obliged to sucure his permit to marry from his guardians 'coz both Misty and Prince William are still not 9n legal age to marry without their parents/ guardians permit. Since the mother of Prince William is working in Kuwait and his father died when he was 1 day old, he decided to go home at his birth place to secure a permit to marry from his uncle. He wanted to bring Misty with him yet, her MOm declined. So, Misty accompanied him at the bus station. Even if they wanna be together in Prince Williams journey at his birth place, they have to refrained and stick with the rules.

After 24 hours, Prince William is ack with a permit/consent to marry Misty. So, they worked with the requirements for their marriage. Len surprised them through a surprise call. Misty and Price William were so happy to inform her that they are already working on their wedding which ade Len soooo happy too coz despite her hardships of being asked to stay in MAnila because their aunt blamed her for being their bridge.

While working on their papers, Misty and Prince William had a lunch date with Armie(Mistys cousin). Then, Misty brought him in the city and visited Senior Tesoro. Shared some private moments with him... Which happened several times during his  visit...

One day, Joe surprised them, he visited Misty yet, he wasnt able to go home because he wasnt able to catch the last trip. Joe had an argument with Prince William when Joe was informed that they are already processing their wedding. Yet, Prince William and Joe slept together in the same room at Uncle Rogels house.

Christmas eve came....Misty and Prince William attended the mid night mass and had their dinner at Mistys relatives... Aftermid night, Misty went home and Prince William went back at the house of Uncle Rogel... This is the best christmas day for Misty...

After few days, Prince William needs to go back in his work place in order for him to go back with his relatives on their wedding day on January. Even if Misty is so worried and even if Prince William doesn't like to leave Misty, he needs to do so 'coz he needs to report at work. They parted with tears in their eyes...

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