Chapter 23: Fight

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Nicky:"I'm going to kill Roman."


I leave and go straight to his room.

Nicky:"What the hell, Roman! Are you fu-"

Roman pulls me out of the room.

Roman:"Baby, calm down."

Nicky:"Calm down! Calm down! How the fuck can I calm down! You're marr-"

Roman:"I know. I know, let me explain."

Nicky:"I don't want an explanation. Does she know about me, or do you intend on breaking her heart too?"

Roman:"I didn't mean t-"

Nicky:"Don't hurt her like you've hurt me. A divorce will hurt her, but don't let her know that you were with me, it will break her."

Roman:"We are separated now, I want a divorce but she doesn't. I want you, I want to be with you."

I slap him.

Nicky:"You are fucking ridiculous! I fu-" He pushes me against the wall further from the room.

Roman:"Stop it."

Nicky:"Please just stay the hell away from me. Please. Lose my number, don't talk to me ever again."

Roman:"I do love you. Don't do this. I was only with Paige because she was blackmailing me with this marriage. Yes, I was married when we met, but that doesn't change how I feel about you."

April:"Everything okay? Why are you so close to her?"

Nicky:"It's whatever, I was just leaving."

Roman:"Just come see me later."

April:"Why does she need to see you? What is going here?"

Nicky:"Tell her, what's going on?"

Roman:"Don't do this. April, go to the car I'll meet you there."

April:"No! Who is this bitch?"

Nicky:"I'll give you a pass, but now is not the time to talk to me like that."

Roman:"Just a friend, April just-"

She slaps me, and I immediately take her down, and punch her one good time. I get up and try to just walk past Roman, but he grabs my arm.

Roman:"Can we just talk?"

Nicky:"There is nothing to say, just go check on your wife."

Roman:"Meet me in your room."

I reculantly go sit in my room and wait for him.

Nicky:"How long have you been married to her?"

Roman:"2 years."

Nicky:"You promised to love her and be with her forever. How could you do that to her?"

Roman:"It wasn't suppose to happen like that. I never meant to fall for you like that, from the moment I met you I couldn't stay away from you. I loved her, yes. I thought we would be together forever, yeah. And then I met you, and you changed that."

Nicky:"Okay, then why not divorce her. We were together for a long time."

Roman:"It was tough, it's still tough, I want to divorce her. I will get it finalized, and you can forgive me and we can go back to-"

Nicky:"How can we go back! How! Do you not get how serious that is! How can I be with you knowing that you would cheat on your wife for that long. You could do the exact same thing to me."

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