Chapter 4: Together

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I go into the divas locker room and find AJ, Cameron, Naomi, Nikki, Brie and Layla.

Cameron:"Hey girl, have a nice night dreaming about Roman?"

Nicky:"I didn't dream about Roman."

Naomi:"Sure you didn't."

Nicky:"You guys are the worst."

Cameron:"You know you love us." Nikki and Brie look up at us.

Brie:"Me, Nikki, AJ and Lay are going to catering, you guys wanna come."

Nicky:"Sure." We all sit down at a table in catering.

Layla:"So, you got the hots for Roman."

Nicky:"Ugh, no."

Nikki:"Oh come one, you know you want that Samoan D." We all laugh.

Nicky:"I don't Nikki."

Layla:"You know you what him, with his perfect arms, and strong jawline."

Nicky:"Stop it."

AJ:"Why, you getting ideas about him. I bet he's pretty big, too. Have you seen his bulge, he's definitely packing something."

Nicky:"You guys are s-" The Shield walks up to us.

Seth:"Stephanie wants us to spend more time together for storyline purposes."

Nicky:"But the storyline is dead, so why would sh-"

Dean:"She said the hate was very un-family friendly, so she wants to get along better."

Nicky:"Why didn't she just tell me herself?"

Roman:"She was busy, so I am going to book all of us a room, but the rooms only have 3 beds."

Nicky:"I'll sleep on the floor then, bye now." They leave.

Naomi:"Ooh, girl you can sleep with your man, now."

Nicky:"I don't like Roman, I hate him, I hate all three of them."

Brie:"You know you do."

AJ:"Nicky you have a match against Askana."

Nicky:"Alright, I'll go get ready."

I get ready and then I go out to my match.

Nicky vs Askana
(Skip match)
I kick her and hit a DDT. I throw her in the corner and The Shield comes out. I get out of the ring.

Nicky:"Go away now!"

Roman:"No can do, hun." I get back in the ring and attack Askana. I pin her and win. I continue to attack her and I throw her into the barricade.

Nicky:"I hate you guys!" I leave and grab my stuff. I start walking to my car.

Dean:"Where do you think you're going?"

Nicky:"Away from you."

Dean:"You have to come to the hotel with us."

Nicky:"Fine!" I get in the car with the shield and we go to the hotel. Once we get there, I grab a blanket. I lay it on the floor and grab another. I start going to sleep.

Seth:"Are you not going to shower."

Nicky:"The last thing I want to do is remove clothing while I'm anywhere near you three. I'll shower later." I lay back down.


I wake at about 5, in Roman's arms.

Nicky:"(whispers) what are you doing?"

Roman:"(whispers) you were cold, so I carried to the bed."

Nicky:"(whispers) oh thanks, it feels kinda nice, laying in your arms."

Roman:"(whispers) what."

Nicky:"(whispers) oh umm, I said it feels kinda nice, playing in tour farms?"

Roman:"(whispers) okay." I get up and wash my face. I shower and AJ calls me.

Nicky= N

N: hey
A: hey, where are you
N: nowhere
A: how are you nowhere, never mind come to my room.
N: okay

I go to AJ's room and see Naomi, Cameron, Brie and Nikki.

Nicky:"Hey everyone."

Cameron:"So, where were you, out with Roman?"

Nicky:"No, Stephanie made me share a room with The Shield."

Nikki:"And what happen, did you get the D."

Nicky:"Nothing happen, except Roman kinda carried me to his bed and held me."

Naomi:"See you guys are like a couple."

Nicky:"No we're not! I hate him, even if it felt amazing to be in his arms and he is extremely sexy... wait no, I don't like him."

Brie:"That's what you say now."


Raw yesterday was amazing!
The Queen Stephanie slayed.
Stephanie is gonna to beat Brie at SummerSlam, The Queen will win.
My Queen AJ has her crazy gimmick back, I love it!
There was like 4 divas segments!

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