Chapter 5: Attraction

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Roman's POV

Seth:"So, Dean you got your eye on anybody here?"

Dean:"No, what about you little miss two tones?"

Seth:"Stop calling me that, and no." Dean snaps his fingers in front of my face.

Dean:"Earth to Roman."

Roman:"What Dean."

Seth:"Who were you looking at?"

Roman:"No one, no one. I gotta go."

Nicky's POV

Nicky:"Ugh, I'm so sick of The Shield!"

Cameron:"Except for your boo thing, Roman."

Nicky:"Oh my gosh, guys I don't like him!"

Naomi:"Keep telling yourself that." I walk out to the ring and grab a mic.

Nicky:"I would like for The Shield to come out here so I can give them a piece of my mind." The Shield comes out.

Dean:"Make it quick, doll face." I slap Dean.

Nicky:"Say something like that again and I will make sure you never say anything again!"

Roman:"Feisty, are we."

Nicky:"Shut up!"

Seth:"You should talk with a little more respect, missy. We are The Shield, the most dominant group in sports entrainment. We-" I slap Seth.

Nicky:"I really don't care about-"

Style or grace, I'm never gonna be done lean on in. Now welcome to the queendom.

Stephanie:"All of you need to shut the hell up! I will not have this happen on my show. Roman, Nicky, you two will have a mixed tag match against Natalya and Tyson Kidd tonight. Seth and Dean will be banned from ringside."

Roman:"I am not teaming with-"

Stephanie:"Don't you dare correct me!" Stephanie walks off and so do I.

~Divas Locker Room~

Brie:"Yay, you have a match with Roman!"

Nicky:"Not yay."

Nikki:"Come on, girl we have to make you look badass and sexy."

Nicky:"Ugh, why." They take me to the make up area. They put black eyeshadow and eyeliner with light black lip gloss on me. They curl the ends of my hair. I put on a white tank crop top and leather vest (unzipped). I put on black shorts and black knee high combat boots.

Cameron:"Damn, girl you look hot."

Nicky:"Thanks, but I still think this is ridiculous."

Brie:"It's not, you have to look good, so Roman will be like-"

Nikki:"(impersonating Roman) Damn, girl you look hot as hell!" I laugh.

Nicky:"You guys are crazy."

Naomi:"Yeah, but you love us." I hug them and thank them. I walk down to the ring. Roman comes out, then Tyson and Natalya.

Nicky and Roman vs Natalya and Tyson Kidd

(Skip match)

I kick Natalya in the face and throw her into the turnbuckle. I go across the ring and Roman smacks my ass. Why did he do that? Was he just trying to be a ass, does he like me? The ref signals a tag. I look at Roman and get out the ring. Tyson tries to sneak Roman, but Roman throws him back and hits the Superman Punch. Roman hits the spear and wins. I get in the ring. Roman hugs me and whispers to me.

Roman:"You look really hot."

Nicky:"Thanks." He lets go and we go backstage.

Roman's POV

What the hell did I just do? I can't like her, I don't like her, but she look amazing tonight. I never noticed how hot she is. No! I can't like her.

Seth:"What was that?!"


Dean:"Why did you hug her?"

Roman:"Don't we all like her? Wasn't the plan to start psyching her out, and see which one of us she likes?"

Seth:"Yeah, that WAS the plan, but now we hate her."

Roman:"Fine, Seth I hate her."

Seth:"Good." Seth leaves.

Dean:"You're not gonna stop, are you?"


Dean:"So, how are we gonna get her to like you, Roman?"

Roman:"Let me take the lead. This is why we made the storyline continue, to get her to fall for one of us. She claims to hate us so much, but I can tell she's got a thing for us. I say, I just start calling her nicknames and playing with her hair and stuff. It will only be a matter of time before she's all over me."

Dean:"Alright, but if you need my help, let me know."

Roman:"Don't tell Seth."

Dean:"I won't."

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