Chapter 19-Torture

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Charlie POV
I again carry Riley Ann into the home. She looks very beautiful. Her long flowy brown hair flying in the wind, her breasts lifted upwards. Her small beautiful face, gazing at me. She is mine and I will break her. I go to the basement, set the chains for her and undress my beautiful bride.

Riley Ann POV

I wake up, again naked and chained. This time, I'm chained to a wall, next to a radiator. The intense heat is hurting me and I try to distance myself from it. I look around to find a black padded room with a bucket in the corner and two small pillows with blankets stuck in another corner. I go to get the blanket, but my chains have been shortened and I am unable to move. I just can't understand why is Charlie so obsessed with me. I would think maybe Vince would pull a stunt like this but maybe not. I am lost in my thoughts, not even hearing Charlie walking in. "Hello, Riley" I look up at him, asking him one thing: "Why are you doing this to me?" He continues working and says, "You didn't want me so I am going to make you feel unwanted." What does he mean? Charlie pulls me up onto a table and straps me on with restraints. I begin to scream at the top of my lungs, and Charlie tries to shut me up by covering my mouth. In resistance, I bite his hand, breaking his skin and tasting his blood. "YOU STUPID BITCH!" Charlie yells at me. I am met with a slap on my face, causing Charlie to injure my face and drawing blood. " This hurts me as much as it hurts you, my love. You cause me to do things to you!" Charlie starts to fully undress. "W-W-What are you doing?? Charlie!" He then brings out a whip. "I am going to whip you. I want you to count how many times I am hitting you and thank me for them." Charlie lets my restraints off and makes me kneel like a dog, placing his foot against my back like a pedal on a car. WHACK! WHACK! I'm refusing to count and thank him. "YOU'RE NOT SPEAKING! TALK, YOU STUPID WHORE!" Charlie screamed. Tears fell down from my face, onto the floor; making a small puddle. "One. Thank you, my master." WHACK  "Two. Thank you, master. Time had passed. "Thirty. I'm sorry for disobeying you. Please, have mercy on me. I-I-I love you." Charlie stopped his endless torture. "What did you say?" Charlie grabbed my face and forced me to look at him. "Say it again. Out loud." I hopelessly gave up and said, "I love you, Charlie Phoenix. I'm yours. My body, heart, and soul belong to you." I whispered hoarsely. I dropped to the floor, in pain and fear. Charlie began to unlock my chains. He places me gently on the table and wraps my legs around his waist. His lips began to interlock with mine. His massive hands were gently massaging my back, softly. His muscular chest, heavily breathing and my small body joined close, making me wet and shudder. His erection pressed against my thighs, making me want him even though he had hurt me and kidnapped me. My nails were scratching him, gently. I let out a small moan, almost enticing him to continue. "C-C-Charlie, wait." He stopped and looked at me. "I want to rest. Please, let me sleep." Charlie looked at me and carried me upstairs. My vision was becoming blurry. I suddenly felt a bed underneath me. Charlie placed a blanket on me and a pillow under my head. He placed a small kiss on my head and closed the door. I felt relief, knowing that he might still have a heart after all. 

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