Chapter one: Game on

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It's that time of the year again when everyone dressed up as scary as possible, houses get decorated in order to look creepy and kids ask the famous question "Trick or treat? "
Yeah that time came again. It looked like yesterday when I celebrated Halloween last year. It was fun. There was a huge party with loud music and yummy treats. I had a lot of fun there even though I was tired as hell the next day but it was worth it.
That day was 30th of October and everyone in school was discussing about the activities which would be organized  the next day. Personally I wanted another wild party just like the last year's but some said that now that we were seniors we needed something more extraordinary. Whatever I didn't  care.

The sun was shining outside as I got up from bed. I couldn't wait to see how funny the students would look with their costumes. Yep in this date there's no lesson and uniforms. We came dressed up in costumes and scare everyone or at least try to.
This year I would be a witch and yes I know that it's really old and used but I liked it.

I got dressed up in my costume and went downstairs. In front of the mirror I saw a girl with a really pale skin,really dark straight black hair and bright blue eyes in a witch costume. Yeah the witch costume really suited me.
"Morning mum"
"Good morning Coraline . Wow you look great in that witch costume I made for you. "
"Because I have the best designer in the world. " I said as I kissed her in the cheek. I lived only with my mother, who was like an older version of me, in a nice house since my dad left us for another woman some years ago. We actually were happy with this life we had. I mean we weren't alone we had each other.
"So what are you going to in school? Are there organised some fun activities? "
"I actually don't know. I think it will be like last year. But maybe there will be something different this year.
"Well you had fun with your friends last year."
"Yeah we had. Oh mum look the school bus came. I have to go. Bye love you. "
"But you didn't eat your breakfast. "
"Mum I'm late. I will eat something in the way."
"Okay have fun dear"
"I'll. Bye. "

As soon as I entered in the bus I saw a lot of students wearing so many different costumes like ghost, mummies,vampire, werewolf,pirates and so many others.
I sitted next to my bestie Sally-Jo who was dressed like a devil.
"Hey C. Nice costume. Your mother never stops amazing me. "
"Thank you too Sally. You don't look bad too. "
"Thanks. I can't believe I won't take part in tomorrow's party. "
"So there'll be a party?"
"Of course there is. But I won't come because I promised my little brother that I'd go trick or treating with him.I just hope Jared won't destroy everything. "

Oh yeah Jared. One of the most popular guys of the school and capitan of the football team.He's really tall,has a tan complexion,dark black hair and blue dreamy eyes. He's really good looking and girls loved him. He's not like those bad boys people see in movies and stories because he would never break somebody's heart. He had been hitting on me since last year but he's not my type. He might be handsome but he isn't really intelligent.
"Yeah I really hope so. Last year he went crazy. Do you remember what he did to professor Spink?"
"How can I forget her pink hair? She didn't show up for 2 weeks. But I must admit that it was kinda funny. "
"Yeah dying your teacher's hair pink is really fun. " I said rolling my eyes.
The rest of the ride went with jokes and wondering what the others would be wearing. I was glad to have a friend like Sally-Jo. We had been friends since first grade.She had red wavy hair and pale skin. She's got emerald green eyes,full lips and a few freckles on her little pointed nose.She was so funny and sweet.
The bus arrived at the school and well there were some decorations around.
There were some pumpkins,walls covered on spiders and webs. It was simple but cute.
"Wow it's nice this decoration." said Sally-Jo.
"Yeah it's cute. Come let's get inside. "
The hallway was full of people in costumes. It was so fun watching them. Everyone was so excited about today. I wonder how will they be tomorrow that's Halloween.
Everything looked so cool until...
"Hey pretty. "
"Ughhh hello Jared. "
"How is my pretty girl today? Hey if you get scared I'm here for you."
"I'm not scared but I might get angry if you speak again to me." I said to him. Seriously I didn't want to deal with him right now.
"Resist as much as you can sweetheart. One day you will come to me."
"Keep dreaming Jared."
"Hey Jared do you know where the party will be organized tomorrow? " asked Sally.
"Party? You mean that losers thing. Remember when that weirdo asked you for a date Coraline? "
"Don't remind me. "
Last year's party a guy I had never seen just came out of nowhere and asked me to date him. What the hell is wrong with these people? I tried to say no in a polite way and then left.
"Yeah that guy had guts. "Said Sally-Jo laughing. "Anyway you didn't answer my question Jared. "
"About the party? Same place as last year. But that is just for losers. I know the perfect thing to celebrate Halloween. "
"What do you mean with that? "I asked.
"Look I got a message today. Not only me but also that strange girl Ashley, the nerd Sam and that cheerleader Vanessa."
"So then?"
"Let me finish Coraline. Anyone who considers themselves brave enough to spend the Halloween night in an abandoned house have to take part of this game. "
"What kind of game?" asked Sally.
"It's simple. The only thing to do is not to get scared. The last person who stays inside gets the prize of 10 thousand dollars. "
"10 thousand dollars????"
"Yeah. Cool right? You girls should definitely come. "
"You must be crazy Jared. I would never take part in this rubbish. It's fake. No one wins a prize."
"Ohhh looks like Coraline is scared. "
"I'm not scared. I know that it's all a lie."
"Then why don't you come? Or you aren't brave enough? "
"You know what fine Jared. I will take part in this stupid game but only to prove that it's a fake. " I shouted angrily.
"Whatever you say. And you Sally-Jo?"
"I won't come. Sorry Coraline. But as I told you beforw I promised my little brother that I would go trick and treating with him."
"It's okay Sally. I'll go there and prove that this is only a lame joke.
"Okay Coraline. Game on."
"Game on Jared."

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