Chapter two:The haunted house

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"Goddammit I can't believe I agreed this stupid thing Sally. "
"Oh come on look at the bright side. Jared promised that he won't bother you if you are right. It's a really good offer.''    
Sally was right.  Jared told me that he wouldn't talk to me if I was right.Yes that would be awesome. But I didn't want to think about it now. Tomorrow was Halloween so I had to focus on it. Okay it wouldn't be like last year, wild party and lot of fun but maybe I could try to have a good time in a creepy house.
"What are you going to wear in that house Coraline ?"
"Nothing. I don't think that we are wearing costumes there. "
"I'm going to be an evil fairy. That's what my brother wants. "
"And your mum? What does she think about all this?"
"Well she didn't agree at first because she thinks it's not safe for a group of teenagers  to stay alone in a random house. But I managed to convince her somehow. " I said thinking how strange it sounded out loud.
"You really want to go there don't you?"
"Well it's the race spirit. I want to show to Jared what smart means. "
"Oh come on. I know you like him Coraline. "
"WHAT??? Sally stop talking nonsense I don't like him. "
"I'm just kidding. Anyway have fun tomorrow. "
"I'll try to."

Tomorrow came so quick. My alarm clock was ringing non-stop. I hated mornings. I stopped the alarm and got up.
"Happy Halloween me."
I went downstairs where my mum was preparing breakfast. She was making pumpkin shaped pancakes with bloody maple syrup. It looked cool.
"Morning sweetie. Happy Halloween. Slept well?"
"Yes mum. " I lied. I didn't  sleep at all. I don't know why but I was feeling really really nervous. Maybe Jared was right. I was scared......No I wouldn't let him win.
"What's it mum?"
"Are you sure about that? Do you really want to go there? "
"Mum don't worry. Everything is going to be fine. It's not like I'm all alone. "
"Okay if you say so,just be careful ok?"
"Okay mum I will. These pancakes are so good."
"Well I know pancakes are your fave so I made them."
"You're the best mother in the world. "
But when I said that mum just put a long face.
"Mum please don't think about Liam."
Liam was my father's name but I stopped calling him like that when he left us. That day he was dead to me.
"You are the best. He was just too blind to notice that. "I said as I hugged her. She hugged me back and started stroking my hair.
"I love you Coraline. "
"I love you too mum. So much.

The school was much more noisier than yesterday and students were wearing better costumes. I wasn't wearing any costume because after school I with some others and Jared would go to the famous haunted house. God a random person says you win money if you go to a haunted house and you believe it? What's wrong with some people?
"Hey Coraline Hills. Ready to lose tonight? "
"I have the same question for you Jared. "
"Come on. Stop playing this game. "
"For what are you talking about?"
"I know you are taking part to win the prize but I won't let you even though you are the love of my life. Just cut this act already. "
"Believe whatever you want Jared. I said what I had to say. See you tonight. "
"Good luck. You're going to need it. "
I didn't say anything and just left before he said another one of his stupidities. The day went by really fast actually. I kept staring at the clock all the time. I don't know why but I started feeling nervous again. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm not afraid of anything even from a haunted house. But was this nervous thing caused because I was scared or it was something else? Seriously I really want this day to end. Night actually. Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to this but now it's too late. When the "school day" finished I went  outside with Sally-Jo. There was a small bus and the other let's say contestants : Ashley the weirdo , Sam the nerdy one, Vanessa the popular one and last and not the least Jared. So with me we were 5. Okay nothing to worry about. I wouldn't be all alone.
"Coraline? "
"What Sally? "
"You seem pale. Are you ok?"
"I'm fine Sally. Don't worry. "
"Listen seriously you don't have to do this. "
"Sally it's too late to give up now. I bet that this night will end faster than winking your eye. Everything will be fine. "
"Okay then. Good luck Coraline. And who knows if this is true you might win the money."
"Nice joke. Have fun with your brother. "
"Thanks. You too. "
"Hey you two! Are you just going to stay there all day or what? Money is calling me."  Said Vanessa.She is one of the most popular girls in school.She has a dark complexion,beach-wave brown hair with caramel highlights and feline shaped black eyes and beautiful full lips,yeah she's really pretty but her personality makes her really ugly. She is such an arrogant and selfish person who brags all the time.  A whole night with Vanessa. That's just great.
"Go before her extensions fall."
"Bye Sally. "
I went to the others and we entered inside the little bus. Ashley sitted next to me while the others alone. I didn't  really know her but she has some crazy ideas. However I decided to talk to her. Maybe she wasn't that weird even though she wears oversized clothes really big glassed on her really pale blue eyes and dies her hair always in crazy colours. Now her hair were a crazy purple. Her skin is like white porcelain and once there was a rumor she was a vampire. Crazy right?
" Hey Ashley. I'm Coraline. Excited about this game?"
"Well not really because I am not here for the money. I came because the haunted house is the perfect place to talk with the spirits. Be careful there Coraline. They get angry easily. "
Ok . Maybe she was that weird. I didn't talk to her the rest of the ride. She just put her headphones and started moving her head in the rhythm of the song she was listening and whispering some not understandable words. Okay so Vanessa and Jared came for the "money" me for proving that money don't exist, Ashley to talk to the spirits and Sam....why the hell was he here . He is afraid of his own shadow.
I turned back to see Sam. Sam is a typical nerd. He has brawn bangs,green eyes,white complexion and thin lips. He also wears big glasses and braces.
"Hey Sam."
"Heyyyy... C-coraline. "
"Are you feeling ok?"
"I'm fine. J-just a little nervous. "
"Please don't tell me that you believe that price thing. "
"Me? No. I just came here to prove my grandma that I'm not a scared baby. She is always saying that. "
"Oh yeah right. "
This thing just gets weirder and weirder.
After about 1 hour  the bus stopped in front of a wooden bridge. It couldn't go there.
"Hey kids you have to walk now. That scary house must be at the end of this bridge. " said the driver to us. We got up from our seats and went out the bus.
"Good luck kids." He said to us. But then I heard he said something in a really low voice. I think he said poor but I am not sure. Then he left and now the five of us were staying in the middle of nowhere. The fog was fading and I could notice the building at the end of the bridge.

There was a old house with dark walls

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There was a old house with dark walls. What suprised me was that it was lighted.
"How come it has lights inside? " I asked Jared.
"Well probably the creator of the game fixed that. Come on guys let's go.
"Shhhh quiet Jared. You don't want to make the spirits angry. They will punish you if you bother them. "
"Yes I will be more careful Ansley. "
"It's Ashley. "
"That's what I said too. "
"Hey enough with talking. Can we just get inside. This humidity is ruining my hair. " said Vanessa annoyed. I agreed with her not because of that hair thing but just this place was making me feel uncomfortable. Maybe in inside would be better. I opened my phone to text my mum about my arrival but there was no signal. We started walking on the bridge quietly. Down us was a creepy river for which Ashley said is where the spirits stay most of the time searching for peace for their lost souls. Where the hell did she get that obsession? We walked and walked until we arrived in the front door. Jared was about to open the door but Ashley stopped him.
"Wait. The spirits will go on a sleeping mode after 4 seconds and 3 miliseconds. "
We all just stared at her. She really needs some therapy.
"Ok. Now we can enter but easy and quiet so let me open the door. "
"You are such a retard Ashley. You should be locked up in a mental hospital. " said Vanessa.
Ashley turned her head to Vanessa and looked at her with cold eyes. Her pale blue eyes looked really scary now.
"You mean that? " she asked coldly.
"Of course. Everyone thinks you are like that. "
Well Ashley could be weird but she wouldn't let someone to treat her like that. She looked pretty angry.
"Hey Ash let it go. It's not worth it. " said Sam to calm her.
"I know it's not Sam. But I have still have to do something. "
Ashley had a bag with her full of....stuff . She opened it and took out from it a voodoo doll that looked just like Vanessa and put a needle in its head.
"God you really are a weirdo Ash." said Vanessa laughing and then opened the door. We all entered inside it. Well it's now or never. This is going to be a really long night.


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