Chapter 1

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Zinc P.O.V.

I woke up in my room with my roommate, Gallium. I sat up and yawned, scratching my head. I looked over to Gallium, who was still laying in bed and sighing.

"I don't want to go to school." He groaned, holding his arm up and waving for me to go. I rolled my eyes and laughed a little.

"You sound like you're five. C'mon, we need to get ready for class." I said, walking over to the bathroom. All I heard before I shut the door was a hearty "UGHHHHHHH!" and the bed creaking.I looked in the mirror and tussled my white hair. I don't need to brush it, right? I shrugged and just left it alone.

When I came out of the bathroom, Gallium was dressed but looking rather messy. He just walked right past me and slammed the bathroom door. I had lay out my clothes the night before, so I didn't need to rummage through the closet. I slipped on my clothes and grabbed my phone off of my nightstand. The clock showed 8:32 a.m., which still left me thirteen minutes before I had to leave. I walked over to our cabinet in the corner of the room and swung open the door. We don't have much left, huh. I'll go to the store later and get us some more food. I stared at the rather blank looking shelves, grabbing a granola bar, unwrapped it, and ate. 

Suddenly, Gallium burst through the bathroom door, looking much more presentable. Gallium was one of those guys who wore a mask of perfection over their true face. He looked at me and smirked. 

"What? Just 'cause I get ready slower than you doesn't mean I'm any less put together." He walked over to me, and pushed me over slightly to get to the cabinet. When he opened the door he stared at it for a moment, then just shut it again.

"You're not going to eat anything?" I asked, munching on the final piece of my granola bar. I finished chewing and threw the wrapper in the trash. Gallium grabbed his bag and started out the door, jingling the keys to tell me that he had my pair. I took one last look in the mirror on the wall, grabbed my book-bag, and practically ran out the door.

"You made it!" Gallium said with a smile. To me it was so obviously fake, but he had been my roommate since the sixth grade. Gallium threw my keys to me, then headed off in the direction of his homeroom. I turned around and ran to the vending machine, where Argon and I usually meet before homeroom. 

When I finally got to the machine, Argon wasn't there. I furrowed my brow. What? But he always makes it here...... Argon has never once missed our time at the vending machine. I shrugged and walked into the class. 

There were only eight people in the room, Argon wasn't one of them. I was so confused. If you weren't here in the next thirty seconds you were late. It didn't make sense, usually Argon and I were the last ones to enter. I shook my head and decided to ask my classmate, Mercury. 

"Hey, Mercury. Do you know where everyone is?" I asked, my brows furrowed. Mercury turned around in her seat to face me, and moved a piece of her purple hair out of her face.

"Didn't you hear? All students with combat powers were to report to the auditorium." She said, pushing up her glasses and tilting her head, smiling. I just nodded and found my seat. Mercury always caught, and remembered anything someone said within earshot of her. I knew I could trust her on this. It was her power. She, like I, had an intellectual power. 

Every student at my school had a power, which fit into four categories. Intellectual, Combat, Chemic, and Magic. Although the most common one was combat, most people didn't know how to properly use their combat, or it wasn't very useful. They can range from spawning weapons to being skilled in fighting art. Next came the Chemics. They all had very specific powers that only allowed them to do one thing exactly, but it could be very powerful.  Make a note that I said could. Then the Intellectuals came. Most of ours had very broad ranges, but weren't nearly as strong that a Chemic could have. Finally there were the Magics. The rarest category, and had such a broad range that they were originally going to split it into five groups in itself.But they decided not to since there would only be about 2 people in each group. They deal with magic substances, like their name suggests.

I was sitting there, thinking about why the Combats could've been called. Then, all of them came flooding back in. Argon, looked at me, and smiled the most nervous smile I've ever seen anyone give. I was about to ask what was wrong when a voice came on the loudspeaker. 

"Chemics, Intellectuals, and Magics, report to the auditorium at once."

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