A responce to the poem above

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It took me five days to really comprehend what had happened.

No, not comprehend...
I knew what they meant as soon as they told me.
I knew what was going on.

As her family and my famly that stood around me started sobbing, i stayed quiet.
The next four days of mourning and plans for the funeral, i stayed quiet.
While everyone else gave speeches about how much she meant to them, and how much they wish she knew that...
I was quiet.
It took five days to really settle in.
And then i cried.
Then school started back up again and i... stopped caring...
I didnt pay attention.
I didnt do my homework.
Miraculously there werent any tests given that week.
I didnt care.
And then the anxiety kicked in and i reminded myself,
I cant just 'not care'
Just because her life is over doesnt mean mine is, too.
I still have responsibilities, i need to focus and work, or i'll regret it for the rest of my life.
And i couldnt follow her.
Whether you call it courage or stupidity, i couldnt do what she did.
I had to face the rest of my life.
So i forced myself to care.
And it hurt like hell.

(Litteraly wrote this on the bus coming home from school
Mud fiiiiiiic)

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