Chapter 1

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It's my first day of college, and I couldn't be more excited. My first class of the day is Biology, my favorite class in the whole entire world. I am attending Silas University, and honestly it's not as bad as what everyone else says. I have heard that the people here are rude, and mean which is not true at all. Most of the people who I have met are really sweet, and nice. "Ms.Hollis," my professor calls out. "Here," I reply.

"Student's here are your syllabuses. This has every assignment and due date on it, so make sure to put these in your calendars. Technically there shouldn't an excuse as to why you work wouldn't be on time." I take a look at my syllabus, and honestly there isn't a lot of homework listed on there. So, that's a plus. "We are also going to be working in groups all year. The same groups you are put into today will be the group you work with all year," the entire class groans. I patiently wait for my name to be called, and honestly I don't see what the big deal of being put into group is. It's an opportunity to meet some new people, and to build new friendships. "Laura, LaFontaine, Perry, and Carmilla. You guys are a group." I grab my stuff, and sit down at the desk that we are assigned to. "Hi, I am Laura. It's really great to meet you all." "Hi, I am LaFontaine. My pronouns are they/them so if you could please use those that would be great." "Hi, i'm Perry. It's really great to meet you ,I look forward to working with you guys this year," Wow I am lucky to have such a great group. "Oh, we are missing one," Perry says. "Oh yeah! Carmilla right?" I ask. "Yep," both Perry and Lafontaine reply. "So what majors are you guys?" "I'm a Chemistry major." "Of course you are Lafontaine. You wouldn't be able to live without your acids, and your experiments," Perry says. "Oh you two know each other?" I ask feeling slightly left out. "Yes, we have been best friends since elementary school. I also have known Carmilla since then as well. She can be a pain in the ass but once you get to know her, she'll soften up." Perry replies.

The classroom door swings open, and a girl walks in. This girl is pale, like very pale. Also, she has on black leather jeans, a black shirt, black boots, and a leather jacket on. "Ms. Karnstein, so great of you to finally join us," the professor rolls her eyes. "Sorry, I was too busy sleeping to notice that I was late, but thanks for welcoming me in teach," the girl replies. "I'm not your teach, I am your professor. You are in a group with Perry, Laura, and Lafontaine. Now please take a seat." "Laura, who the hell is Laura?" I hear Carmilla mumble. She walks over, drops her bag on the floor, then pulls out the chair. She sits down and puts her feet on the table,"Sup geeks, and newbie. Im Carmilla." "Hey Carmilla," both Annie and Lafontaine say. I start to look more into my syllabus when I am interrupted, "Newbie, you don't have to be so quiet," Carmilla jokes. "Sorry, just kinda focused on what we are actually supposed to be doing," I snap. "So, what are everyone's plans after they graduate from here?" Perry asks. "I want to be some type of chemist, I think it'll be fun," Lafontaine answers.Perry looks at me and asks, "Laura, what do you want to do?" "I want to be a doctor. I like helping people, and making people feel better." I hear a laugh from Carmilla. "What is so funny?" I ask. "Oh nothing, just nothing." She smirked. "No, please do tell." I am starting to get frustrated at this point. "Oh, it's just that you're really stuck up. You're obviously not from here." She laughs. Before I could even reply, it's time to leave. "See you all later," Perry and Lafontaine wave. "Bye," I say while gathering my stuff. "Bye Cupcake," Carmilla winks. I roll my eyes, and walk out the door.

I go to the rest of my classes for the day, and if I am being honest the first day wasn't too bad. I go to my apartment, and start on my homework. "Let's see, tonight we can do some Biology, and some College Algebra. I have Biology tomorrow, but overall I should be good to go." I say to myself. My cell phone buzzes, and I look to see a text from Perry.

Perry- Hey Laura, Laf and I are gonna hang out. We figured since you are new to the town, we can show you all the spots to go to. So like come hang out with us.

Laura- I would love to, but I have Biology homework to do.

Perry- Laura, sweetie. I am in your Biology class and that homework isn't due for two weeks.

Laura-But, I wanna head start on it.

Perry- If you don't come and hangout with us, I will pick you up from your apartment and drag you out by your hair. You are hanging out with us.

Laura- Fine, whatever.

An half hour later, Perry and Lafontaine show up at my door. "Hey Laura." "Hey." "So how about we show her all of the cool places in Silas. Let's get her out of this damn apartment," Perry chimes in. "Yeah that sounds great," I sigh. I grab my bag, and walk out the door. I don't mind hanging out with people, but honestly I would rather be bundled up in some blankets and be watching Doctor Who.

We start to head to a local bar, and since it's a Wednesday night it shouldn't be too crowded. "So Laura, how are you liking Silas so far?" Perry asks. "Well it's not too bad. People have said so many bad things about it, but I don't see anything wrong with it. I guess it's going to take some time to get used to it." "How are you liking Carmilla?" Laf asks. Perry nudges them in the arm with her elbow. "Per pay attention to your driving," Laf laughs. "I mean I don't know her well enough to even say anything." "Well we know that, you just met her today. What's your first impression?" "Um well," before I could finish my sentence we arrive at the bar. "We are here!" Perry grinned. To my surprise it was a little more crowded than I thought it was going to be, but it wasn't super bad.

We walk in, and Perry is immediately recognized by some of the bartenders. "Hey Per how are you?" "Good!" she smiled back. "Dang Perry, you are quite the celebrity in here," I joked. "She used to work here, but she got a different job so she quit. We used to come here all the time as teenagers," Lafontaine explained. "As teenagers? You would come into a bar as teenagers?" I was slightly questioning my new friends. "Yes and no. We would come here and play pool, or throw darts. We didn't drink alcohol, well I shouldn't say we. Perry and I didn't, but Carmilla did." I roll my eyes,"Here lets sit down. Does that sound alright with you guys?" "Yeah Perry that sounds good. Lafontaine does that sound good?" "Yeah totally. Let's drink!" they replied.

We go and sit down at the bar, which is cleaner than what I expected. Perry hands me a menu to order a drink from, and honestly I have no clue of what I am looking at. "Laura sweetie. You're looking at that menu like you've never have had a drink before." I look down at the table, slightly embarrassed. "Oh my god. YOU'VE NEVER DRANK BEFORE?" Perry almost yells. "Perry quiet down." Lafontaine whispers. "Who said they have never had a drink before," a voice says from behind the counter. The voice is soon matched with a face, and that face is Carmilla's. 

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