Chapter 4

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As soon as they got to the mall Jungkook was out of the car and borderline running to the building.

"Baby, you have to stay with me while we're here, ok? I don't want you getting lost." Taehyung said sternly to Jungkook.

The little bunny blushed at the pet name.

"Okay Taehyungie~" the hybrid said happily, knowing that the elder cared for him so much.


After Taehyung took Jungkook to all of his favorite stores the little bunny started to rub his eyes tiredly.

"Taehyungie, I sweepy, we go home now?" asked Jungkook. It's been a long day for him.

"Yes honey, you can even wear your new, fluffy pajamas to bed tonight." Taehyung stated softly.


When they got home Jungkook immediately made grabby hands at Taehyung.

"What baby boy? You want me to pick you up?" Taehyung asked, confused as to what the hybrid wanted.

Jungkook just nodded and rubbed his eyes more.

'I can give him a bath tomorrow, I'll just put him to bed for now' Taehyung thought to himself.


After dressing the little bunny in his pastel yellow, fluffy duck onsie they were ready for bed. Jungkook had started sleeping in Taehyung's bed not to long ago. Jungkook just found it easier to sleep that way.

They both settled in bed on their own sides, but of course, after about 5 minutes Jungkook snuggled into Taehyung's side. That's how they always ended up.

~~~ The next morning ~~~

Taehyung woke up to little whimpering noises beside him. After realising it was Jungkook he thought he was having a nightmare, so he tried to wake him up. That's when he felt how hot his skin was, he was burning up. Taehyung remembered reading something about hybrids when he was doing some research, it was something called a...heat? Yeah, that was it! 'Shit' Taehyung thought, hybrids apparently get really sexual when they have their heat. Taehyung wasn't ready for that and was pretty sure Jungkook wasn't either.

"Taehyung please, please it hurts so bad" Jungkook pretty much moaned out.

"Umm..lemme see what I can do.." He said, unsure of what he could do. Then he remembered that he had that vibrator his friend, Jimin, got him as a prank for his birthday. He quickly ran to get it and brought it back to the whining hybrid.

"Here try this," He handed it to the bunny who took it hesitantly.

"What do I do with this?" the bunny asked with a tilt of his head, "Can you show me?"

"Ummm.." 'Dear lord have mercy' was the last thing Taehyung thought before he took the vibrator in his hand and put on Jungkook's crotch through his pants.

"Ohh" Jungkook let out a loud whine and started pushing up against the toy.

Taehyung had never blushed that hard in his life. He had also never gotten that hard, that fast.

"Daddy please I need more" Jungkook moaned out.

'Oh my God he just called me daddy and I think I liked it'

Taehyung hesitantly started undoing Jungkooks pants. Jungkooks whined when he moved the vibrator.

"No please I need something please!" Jungkook exclaimed with tears welling up in his eyes.

Taehyung quickly took off Jungkook's pants and underwear off. "Don't worry, I'll help you."

Jungkook sighed contently, after feeling the pressure in his pants be released slightly. Taehyung put the vibrator back against him.

"Ahh oh my god!" Jungkooks moans out loudly.

Taehyung blushes even more, if that was possible. Nevertheless, he continues to help the poor little bunny.

But he couldn't ignore his own problem. So when he thought that Jungkook wouldn't notice he discreetly rubs his own buldge.

And oh did Jungkook notice.

"Mmm daddy please fuck me"

Taehyung froze.


I am so sorry you guys. So much stuff has happened. I went to the hospital for a while and school went to shit so I've been bombarded with things. I hope this makes up for it though.

My Bunny Boy ~ Vkook (hybrid au)Where stories live. Discover now