A War 400 Years Ago (Hetalia & KHR)

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Venice, modern time

"Say Reborn, why are we in Venice?"

"You should know why." With that, Reborn nailed Tsuna in the head with a kick.

"Woah! Dude, super cool, a baby just kicked someone in the head!"

"That is absurd, lad, no such th..." Someone with absurd eyebrows began, then his jaws dropped at the scene of Reborn kicking Tsuna again.

"Ohonhonhon~ what was that about being absurd?" A blond guy with a small beard laughed... in a very creepy way.

"Shut it you damn frog!"

"Black sheep of Europe!"


"Ohonhonhon! Is that the only insult you have?"

"I'LL CURSE YOU!" Then the two began fighting it out with their fists, then, all of the sudden the eyebrows pulled out a sword while the bearded guy pulled out a rapier.

"Hey... is everything alright?" Yamamoto asked, walking up to the one stuffing his face with hamburgers.

"Hm? Uh, yeah, they'll be fine, they do that all the time! The name's Alfed, nice t'metcha!" Alfred grinned, holding out his non-greasy, left arm which Yamamoto took, "Haha! Looks fun! I'm Yamamoto!"

"YOU GIT, HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY, IT'S, 'NICE TO MEET YOU'!" The eyebrows yelled, letting the bearded guy kick him onto the ground, the fighting then continued.

"Don't mind Iggy-brows and Francy-pants over there, wait, you said you're name's Yama.. Yamato... what was it again?"


"Oh, so you're one of Ja- uh... you're Japanese! So... why're here?"

"Um, yeah. And... I don't really know why I'm here, haha!" Yamamoto laughed, scratching his head.

"THAT'S NOTHING TO LAUGH AT, BASEBALL FREAK!" Gokudera yelled after he finished checking Tsuna.

"You like baseball?"


"Cool! We should have a game sometime!" Alfred and Yamamoto then high-fived and stood there laughing.

"Herbivores..." Hibari growled, leaping into the ongoing fight with 'Iggy-brows' and 'Francy-pants'. Then, 8 more weird people showed up.

"Aiyah! I leave for 2 minutes and you get in fight already!" A short Asian sighed.

"A- ah... I don't think it's their fault..." A Japanese said meekly.

"Mein gott..." A buff man growled.

"Ve~ ve~! Big Brother's fighting again!" A feminine looking boy said.

"Kesesese! The awesome me has arrived!" An white haired man shouted, much like another white haired man.

"What the fuck!? Why the hell are tea bastard and pervert bastard fighting again!?" Someone who looked creepily similar to the feminine looking boy, except he had a very foul mouth.

"Aw~ calm down Roma~!" Another, tanner man cooed, hugging 'Roma', or the foul mouthed boy.

"Who are all those people?" Haru asked, holding I-Pin and Lambo.

"Gyahahaha! Lambo-sama is going to make them his underling!" Jumping out of Haru's hold, Lambo ran over to a large man with a scarf and shouted, "Gyahahaha! You! You're gonna become Lambo-sama's underling!"

Suddenly everyone stopped, even Hibari, as the temperature fell by a few degrees, a dark aura radiated from the scarfed man. Reborn smirked.

The man then bent down to a shaking Lambo's eye level, "нет, all will become one with mother Russia, да?"

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