Surprise Visit (Hetalia)

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It was the start of winter in New York City, and among the crowd of heavily dressed pedestrians, a lone man stood in front of a local McDonald's restaurant.

"To go... or to not go..." He argued with himself, causing several passerby to look at him weirdly, but the man didn't notice them.

"I should go in... but what if... god, that would be... but what are the chances...?"

"Um... sir? May I help you with something?" A McDonald's employee asked, she had come out to see why the man had been standing there for the past hour, scaring off all the customers.

"Huh? Ah yes, please pardon my behavior ma'am, I was... contemplating whether or not to go in..." The man said, scratching the back of his head.

"I... see... well then, um..." The employee stammered out, "Um... come in?"

"...! Oh, er, a- ah, thank you!" The man thanked the employee, then went in, the employee following after him.

"So, what would you like?" She asked once she got back behind the register.

"Hm... yes, I'd like one Big Mac, a large order of... fries, 20 piece chicken nuggets, and a large soda please," The said his order, reaching into his pocket.

"Here or to go?"

"Here, please."

"That'll be $13.98, sir."

Nodding, the man reached into his pockets and pulled out his wallet, picking out a credit card, he swiped it through the machine and took his recipe, going to the soda machine, he got himself a full cup of Coca-Cola.

"Ah, why did I do this... ah, don't think of the bad, don't think of the bad..." Suddenly, he smacked both of his cheeks, "He won't show up, he won't show up, yes, he won't show up!"

"Are you... OK?" A random person asked, going up to the man.

"E- er, yes! I am perfectly fine! D- don't worry about me!"

"If you say so..." The person took one final glance at the man before going back in line.

"Sir, your order's ready," The employee from earlier said, handing the man his food, which he took graciously.

Taking a seat by the window, he began opening the bag, first he took out the Big Mac, then the fries, and last but not least, the nuggets.

His mouth began watering as he unwrapped the burger, slowing taking a big bite, he chewed it slowly as he savoured every flavour. He then took a fry, dipped it in ketchup, and ate it in one bite, chewing it slowly as well.

After he swallowed, he dipped a nugget in the same ketchup and took an even bigger bite. However, before he could take another bite of the 'delicious' burger, someone called his 'name'.

"HOLY MCRONALD'S! WHAT IS IGGY DOING HERE, EATING HAMBURGERS!? IS THIS THE END OF THE WORLD!?" Frozen in place, England looked up, his mouth still wide open.

Unfortunately for him, he saw the person he really didn't want to see now, "A- Am... Alfred...?" He managed to stutter out.

"Dude... I- I never knew you loved McDonald's so much... WE SHOULD TOTALLY GO OUT TO EAT TOGETHER SOMETIME!!!" America shouted, wrapping his arms around his 'friend''s shoulder.

"W- what!? Preposterous! I- I don't love this! I- It's the bloody frog! He made me do this!" England protested, pushing America off of him.

"Oh..." America said, visibly deflating, then inflating again, "But since you're here, we could eat together!"

"Oh bloody hell..."

A/N: Yay, new 'chapter' after a month or so :P

Sorry, I was busy with school, anyways, this is canon, England LOVES McDonald's as you can see from the strip above~

Just wanted to share this with y'all~!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2017 ⏰

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