Chapter 10: "Monster"

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"I never said that I want this
This burden came to me
And it's made it's home inside"
Imagine Dragons - Monster


You look down at your knuckles. Bruised and sore, just like last week.

You sigh, before start punching the bag again. If Matt was on your ass last month, he was basically inside your body right now.

You're too tired to remember the last time you had a break. Matt has been dragging you to useless missions and training sessions for weeks, not even giving time for you to eat properly.

"Good, (Y/N). Keep punching!" He tells you.

Your lower lip twitches. You really don't understand why you need to practice self defense, since you only battle with Pokémon. Instead of giving him a smart comeback, you just focused all your hatred for him and let it all out in the poor bag.

However, he grabs your left arm before your fist hits the blue leather bag.

"Why are you so angry? You won't go anywhere if you just use your fists to let out your anger."

"You can guess why I'm angry" You growl.

Matt grabs your face, squeezing your cheeks. You blink in pain.

"I already told you not to give me those smartassy comebacks, understood?"

He stares fiercely into your (E/C) eyes.

"Yes, sir."

"Good" Matt lets go of your face. You touch your cheek, just to make sure everything's alright. It will definitely leave another bruise. "Take five, then go back to your training session."



Maylene turned around to look at who called her. Wallace is running after her.

"Oh, Wallace! Haven't talked to you in a while. How are you?" She asks him, while giving him a hug.

"Right now, I'm not okay."

"Why? What happened?" She furrows her eyebrows. What could possibly be bothering Wallace? He's the happiest and most cheery person she knows.

"Because Steven has been missing for a week."


Just why?

They thought, as they sat on the floor.

They were angry and confused.

"Why would they do that to her?"


"Now, onto the battle simulator!" Matt happily states.

Your whole body felt weak. It was a miracle you could even walk. But your legs gave in as you took the first step inside the chamber.

"What are you doing? Get up!" Matt hisses. You feel your body start shaking.

"I-I can't..."

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