Drug Addiction in America

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This was honestly just an assignment I had from class that made me start writing poems every now and then.

Over 23.5 million people have an addiction to drugs in America
Almost 300 million people don't have an addiction to drugs
The statistics are shocking but the message is clear.

Who has more fun
The high or the sober
The rich or the poor
It all comes down to the ceiling or the floor

They say it's a problem
It's terrible
It's awful
But tradition can really cloud ones judgement

There's a saying out there
That many must know
"Don't knock it til you try it"
It really means go

Go smoke crack and snort cocaine
Shoot heroine up your vein
Roll the blunt and seal it good
Drain the bottle like you should

It's official
Didn't you hear?
There's no choice
Let's make this clear

When you roll out of bed
Pop a molly and take a shot to the head
Take a perc and lick a lil acid
Try your hardest to not end up in a casket.

These are the rules
Take it or leave it
Soon enough
You'll never want to leave it

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