chapter 2!!!

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It was 5:32pm. we were on the coach busses alread driving for at least an hour. i didnt even notice that i fell asleep. i dont even remember who i was sopposed to sit with but now im sitting with jolie. i guess i shouldnt have stayed up all night for the past week...

"FINALLY" i heard a shriek. "YOU MISSED EVERYTHING WE ARE PLAYING TRUTH OR DARE". i turn around and sandra sitting behind me brushing her hair. "dont you think that truth or dare is a little too.. 6th grade? i mean all you do is sexually harrass things or figure out crushes.." i paused and as soon as she opened her mouth to speak i asked another one. "say.. who is your bus partner?"

I saw her starting to blush. she looked around and whispered in my ear "him". it took me a while to realize wo she was talking about but answered in such shock, like as if i knew who she was talking about "OH MY GOD REALLy!!!!... where is he??" she started grinning as if she knew something she wasnt sopposed to. "well... we are still playing the game.. and he got dared by that motherfucker to kiss HER". I didnt really understand what she was saying, even tho she was right behind me i still felt car sick, and joile spraying her purfume all over her silky orange hair didnt make me feel better.

a couple minutes later i noticed that i still had joyce's skrunchy around my wrist. I got up, and tried pulling myself up by holding on the the seat in front of me. "OH GOD DAMN IT THATS MY FUCKING HAIR" rebeka yelled. "oh im sorry i was trying to get up but im not feeli.." she inturupeted me. "DO I LOOK LIKE I FUCKING CAR DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW HARD IT IS TO MAINTAIN THIS VOLUMIZED BUSH OF A MESS. DO YOU SEE WHAT YOU HAIR DONE. NOW I HAVE TO REDO MY HOLE PONY TAIL. UGH FUCK YOU!!!!".... well wasnt someone in a pissy mood.

Around 6pm it started getting dark out, you could see the fading sunset far up behind the hills and valleys. half the bus was napping, the rest were talking selfies and screaming at the bus driver to stops so they can literally take a picture of the sky. it was a kinda purple mixed with blue ... wasnt that special. "AHHH THIS IS SOOO TUMBLR AHHHH" mel was yelling "HOLD ON DID ANYONE GET A PICTURE OF THE SKY HOLY MOLY OH LORDY ITS SO PERFECT I NEED IT FOR MY INSTAGRAM" .. shes so white ha haaha

As we started catching up to the other busses we drove into a huge mall , there wasn't a lot of cars.. just a lot of empty parking spaces. "Its 6:07pm" one of the counselors started speaking into the microphone. "by 6:30 be back on the busses. stay with you bus partner, you can buy yourself a snack but no shopping.. this is a field trip.. not some widdly waddly vacation for you to how you kids these days say... wet your whistle".

So yeah we got off the busses and the counselors rangled up their groups but before actually letting us go alone you could see the starbucks and the line from all the annoying white girls from bus B. "AHHH CHIPOLE OMFG WHAT" Joyce shouted and grabbed my hand and man a run for it. "you sure do take the joy out of joyce" i told her. "why do you even like this oh my god they have taco bell like thats BETTER". she has this thing for spicy food idk. i got in line with her but as soon as she started ordering i ran away , but being the clumbsy one that i am... i stumbled over one of those stupid indoor gardens. "HAHAHA do you SEE her omfg" i heard someone whisper.. well NOT whisper i mean i COULD FUCKING HEAR YOU FUCKING FUCK. i turned around while still dusting off the dirt from my shorts. i rolled my eyes. "high waisted shorts? who you trying to impress SLUT" said some girl who had the bus A sticker on her shirt. "just because your eyebrows are ratchet doesn't mean you have to take your anger out on others" and then i grinned. i picked up my wallet got up and strudded away like the fabulous and fierce bitch i am. im not sure who she thought she was but im still laughing at her and whoever her ugly ass friend was like please do us a favor and get a nose job.

I started looking for mel but she was probably stuck in line getting her coffee ugh. i walked into pinkberry which i was confused why they still had it i mean.. i thought it went out of business. i saw ashley and lauren sitting with amber and matt. i ran up to them and joined and once i got there i did the the jazz hands dance and yelled "HEY HEY HEY". "this is a public place omfg calm your shit" matt said. i took his check from his milkshake, skimmed through it and said "well i think you ordered the wrong drink?... im pretty sure you were supposed to get a klorox flavored shake ... it does say youre a fucking asshole"

anyways i got in line but they didnt have the watermelon flavor which was the only one i got so i got out , my alarm on my phone rang. it was 6:28pm. i could see Miss Palumba gathering her group.

when we finally got to the exit i FINALLY FOUND HER. "FINALLY OH MY GOD THANK GOD" i ran up to her. "ew why are you sitting with these people" i chuckled. "is there something wrong with me? go CUT yourself" said ryan. "chill they are helping me with my tumblr" she said. "yeah" someone added. i turned arounds and put my arms in fists and slammed them against the table. "please drown yourself in hehe lake". it was kier -.- "you're just jealous that im dating your best friend and you are single" he smiled. "and youre just a rude Canadian who broke up with all his best friends for a boyfriend" i added. he shut up.

As we walked back to the busses jason caught up and asked "are you still mad at kier?" .. i looked him dead in the eye and said "its his fault he betrayed me and everyone else".

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