It was almost 10pm. We finally got to the hotels. It was on a large and really populated street with a lot of casinos. haha such fun! On the way out of the bus we got papers with the schedule for tomorrow. It read
"6:30-8:30am breakfast
1)get on busses by 7:45am
2)11am - yellowstone national park arrival
3)3pm - lunch
4)5pm - back on the busses
5)7:30pm - dinner
9)back at the hotels
10)in rooms by 11:30pm"
Once we got off there was a huge line of kids trying to get their luggage's from the compartment at the bottom of the bus. "yall need to MOVE BEFORE I PUSH YOU SLL UNDER THE TRUCK. UGH" shouted ethan. "youre so gay HAHA" preston said behind us. "Please shut your face i have a girlfriend, not like you, dating Jason". OHHH THIS WAS NOT GOING TO TURN OUT WELL. "UM excuse you but you are so late in addition that was a joke ha", preston said with such anger and sass it was perfect. "Okay .. okay so its night and im tired can you just stop fighting oh my god" Carissa pushed me out of the way and started trying to get them to stop. its funny how all the girls in this school are either so innocent and the rest are bitches. and the guys are all gay oh god. after i got my bag i walked to the front desk and asked for my key. i guess it was too late since they said that my roommates got there already. it was room 165, down the hall, up the stairs and around the corner. of course why would i get the room close to the front desk? It took me a while to get there but i met up with Stacy. She was down the hall from my room trying to get in but card was stuck in the door. i dropped my bags and took a hair pin out and unlocked the door. "omg where did you come from????!" she asked surprised. "i dont know im kinda lost but yea do y u know where room 165 is?" "Yes i do, just walk down that way and make a right" she smiled. i dont know why i never really talked to her anymore, we used to be close in 7th grade but we dont talk anymore.
i unlocked the door.
oh my god.
They were literally having a hang out session like why in OUR ROOM. i know its early but i was woken at 4am and i could barely sleep on the bus and i was so tried i could sleep in the hall.
"Get out" i said. "VALERIE WHERE WERE YOU???" amber yelled. "I got lost but thanks so much for waiting for me" i answered in a sarcastic tone. "and why is there like 13 people in this room....
"Our room is connected to the other one by the door and across from us was the guys so we all just met here since theres a balcony and we were going to sneek out haha" tiana said.
in my room there was Tiana, Mel, Amber, and I. in the room connected to ours there was Joyce, Sandra, Hana, and Veronica. But i couldnt find veronica... so i asked. "Shes asking Mr.Ball if there if she could get another key" kivs said. i hate boys why are there boys in our room. ugh.
Jake ran into our room. yay wow MORE people. "THERE IS A HUGE SPIDER IN MY ROOM SOMEONE KILL IT"he shouted. "WHERE I LOVE SPIDERS" mason screamed and ran back to his room. wow. ive always hated spiders but i guess i learned to deal with them since i moved to a state that doesnt have winter. "ew omfg how does he touch them, thank god i am not rooming with them" jason said. "then who are you rooming with what" i added back. "Hes with us, me tyler and kier" isaac said. "Okay i dont know why everyone is here but get out i want to watch my show" i said.
finally. they all left. omffhsnsndhhensjs THANK GOD JESUS.
"why were they even here?" i asked hana. "oh they all were trying to get lauren and matt together. its a long story but yeah."
so matt liked lauren? oh god. i thought he was dating michelle omg. i wasnt going to ask why they all knew but its just too funny to think about.
so each bus had its all hallway , from our bus these were the rooms
165 - me, tiana, mel, amber
167- veronica, sandra, joyce, hana
169- lauren, jules, ashley , michelle
171- jolie , rebeka , jasmine , saige
175- fareeda , mikala , stacy , etahad
170- kier , kivs , chase , tanner
172- diggy, ethan, hunter , patrick
174- jason , preston , mason, ryan
176- cody, isaac , tyler , jake
it was half past 12. everyone was asleep but i wasnt. funny how i kicked everyone out because i wanted to get rest but ??!??! the hotel we were staying in wasnt that far from where all the action was, maybe 15 mins drive but there were a couple restaurants around. Some diners but mostly just forest and open land some more hotels. behind the hotel was a little path that lead to a small fake beach created by the peer. behind that "beach" you could see the skyline of all the lights and buildings.
i rolled over to the room phone and dialed in *1* *6* *9* ... it rang for a while but them someone finally picked up. "who dis?" you can hear jules whispering. "his its valerie do you guys want to sneek out to the little lank pond thingy??" ... she didnt answer me. i waited for a couple mins but obviously she went back to bed. hey! thanks for saying goodnight! love you xoxo!
i reached over and grabbed my phone , it was so bright my eyes almost burned out. i scrolled through my texts and found an old group convo with tyler, amber, jason, mason, lauren, kivs and ashley. they were the only people that i texted that actually went on the trip. so i texted them asking if anyone was still awake.
"whos awake"
i waited a while
no one answered but as soon as i put it back on charge, i got a message. so convenient.
*text tone* it read "go to bed" ugh it was kivs
"so you are awake" i typed in
"yes we are all .. now we are .. you woke up the whole room"
"so thats it? you just wanted to see who was awake"
"no i wanted to see if anyone wanted to go down the trail by that beach lake"
"... isnt it already like 1am go to bed"
*another person answered*
"sup ill join" ashley wrote.
"me too , count me in" added jason.
awesome! i put on my shoes, grabbed the room key and left to go get them. it was light in my room, a little too light because of the moon. i couldnt sleep when someone else on the other side of the world was staring at it also, awake.
once we got outside, we climbed out of the balcony but it was right above the ground. thank god we were on the first floor. we quietly sneaked out not closing the door behind us. "where is this magical beach?" ashley asked. "haha its narnia!" jason told her sarcastically. once we got through the little path in the middle of the bushes and trees there was an empty landscape with a little dock and a bunch of boats everywhere.
"so this is lake las vegas?" ashley asked.
"i dont understand what our teaches thought i mean, we have balconies, there is a huge lake with many small boats taking people around the city.. and you can even see all the flashing lights and faintains from the central las vegas that everyone knows about.. the casinos and shi.."
before finishing my sentence i got a text from